Author Topic: Why Im proud I own a CZ...  (Read 1799 times)

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Offline EMSinTX07

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Why Im proud I own a CZ...
« on: April 15, 2009, 12:13:29 PM »
Well... actually 2... so far...

A friend came over last night to discuss some totally un-gun related buisness.  HOWEVER, the first words out of his mouth were, "Let me see this new pistol you won't shut up about! :-X"  I gladly fetched my new P01 it as it lay in my nightstand with the tactical light attached.  Well ladies and gentleman let me tell you, I wish I could have taken a picture of the look on his face and the smile that struck him when he retreived this firearm from my hands.  He looked like a big grinning idiot.   ;D  A proclaimed "Glock" man(you know the kind), refused to believe there was anything better.  I had a hard time explaining the finer points of this pistol and how reliable it is until now.  Its moments like this that I proud to own a CZ... errr 2... 

Any of you have similar stories?
75B SS         P01(200rd)
75 Compact   Kadet
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Browning O/U Citori
Ruger Mark II

Offline Cliff47

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Re: Why Im proud I own a CZ...
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2009, 03:33:40 PM »
Every so often I run into somebody at the local indoor range that just has to ask what I am shooting.  When that happens, I suggest that hey try a couple of mags through my CZ75B, and see what they think of it.  I have yet to see a smile on their face that will take at least a month to wipe off.  Been doing this for at least ten years now, and I do not tire of introducing someone to the CZ (most recently it was a CZ40B).  I enjoy being a bad influence...

Offline redeux

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Re: Why Im proud I own a CZ...
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2009, 11:22:14 PM »
haven't had a koolaid gluck since 1990(?) , nothing but H&K's and CZ's for me...


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Re: Why Im proud I own a CZ...
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2009, 06:10:45 PM »
Ten years ago people would say" CZ what? What is a CZ??"

Now they just say "COOL!, Never seen one but like what I hear and read about them!"

So, let a Glock Lover send some rounds downrange from your CZ.

They will come away mightily impressed!

Offline ogrelv01

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Re: Why Im proud I own a CZ...
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2009, 03:19:27 AM »
I have two separate friends trying to relieve me of my duplicate P-01. I had one stolen, then bought a new one partially with insurance money.. and nearly three years later the first was recovered. It is the first handgun I ever owned, so besides it being a CZ, it has sentimental value. I figure if I manage to find a lady that is worth marrying in Vegas, she will probably be the recipient of that handgun. I think the majority of us have had someone at the range wonder what it was that we were shooting.. I've had several others ask me where I they can get one of their own as soon as they shoot mine as well..

Offline stdlrf11

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Re: Why Im proud I own a CZ...
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2009, 05:26:25 AM »
A buddy is about to go through the police academy, and has never fired a gun before. I took him to the range so he could learn the basics. He borrowed his Father-in-law's S&W Sigma .40. He did VERY well for his first time. He actually shot better than the arrogant "Glock guy" next to us.

I decided NOT to let him shoot my P-01.

He will be going through the academy with a Sig 226 .40, and I didn't want to spoil him with the CZ. He will shoot the Sig better if he doesn't know how much sweeter the P-01 is.

Any poor souls who trespass against us
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Will suffer the bite or be stung dead on sight
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Offline czstevesr

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Re: Why Im proud I own a CZ...
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2009, 07:48:34 PM »
I'm more of a shotgunner and love the looks of the
CZ Ringneck in 16Ga.You can see the quality for
a exceptional price.
So when it came time for a new semi-auto handgun.
I went with the Rami BD. Love that little gun!!
Thats why I'm a proud owner of a CZ.