Author Topic: P07 Magazine issues  (Read 224893 times)

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Offline cheggie

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #135 on: December 31, 2010, 06:03:48 PM »
Well, my trouble with sticky mags is over. I never got a satisfactory response from CZ via E-mail or phone - at the time they suggested "keep shooting it and see if the problem corrects itself."

I traded it in and bought something else. No more CZ for me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2010, 06:08:12 PM by cheggie »

Offline Lior

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #136 on: January 16, 2011, 05:27:16 AM »
BTW what's the summary on CZ Custom's +4 mag base extenders? Permanently sold out or is it a temporary thing.

Offline wolverine_173

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #137 on: January 24, 2011, 08:16:43 PM »
what do i have to do with mine to send it in? I bought it used from a friend is that a problem or will they still switch it out? the mag doesn't drop and the slide doesn't catch half the time. what do i do?

Offline wolverine_173

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #138 on: January 25, 2011, 01:16:07 AM »
So i bought my pistol from my friend who sent it in because the mag issue, they sent him back a new pistol, he never shot it and sold it to me. After 500 rounds still has mag and slide not catching issues. Can i send mine in for a new one or do i have to be the original owner? and what info do i need to send it in? And how do i contact them?

Offline bigdrewski69

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #139 on: January 25, 2011, 11:13:21 PM »
to wolverine_173 you do not have to be the original owner, just tell them what the problem is.. they will fix it all..

Offline bigdrewski69

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #140 on: January 25, 2011, 11:16:33 PM »
They sent me a new gun and did not ask if or where I bought it, I just told them about my problem and they had me send the gun and the mags to them, They sent me back all new stuff.. New serial # starts with a 8, old one was a 5...

Offline Beemer

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #141 on: February 13, 2011, 05:44:13 AM »
Just want to share my first figures of the SN for my P07 since my number seems to be close to the ones having problem with the sticky mags but I don't. Mine starts with A66....

Offline dover914

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #142 on: February 19, 2011, 11:01:19 PM »
I purchased a used P07 last spring from cabelas and it has always had the mag drop issue both with the original mags and the two that I picked up at CZ Custom.   They have to be pulled out.  As far as operation it was fine for the first 2500 rounds and then at about 3000 it had firing issues where the trigger could be pulled and it would fire on the second or third trigger pull.  Swapped out the decocker but that made no difference.  Any Help?

Offline Lior

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #143 on: March 09, 2011, 12:53:26 AM »
After 3 months of P07 ownership, I can report that magazine drop is inconsistent.
As a left hander, I usually use my middle finger of my strong hand to hit the mag release switch (on the left of the gun). A forceful squeeze is needed for a successful magazine drop. Otherwise it will just descend a few millimeters. I rectified this by using the middle finger of my weak hand to squeeze the mag release, but this slows reloading just a little. Some food for thought.

Offline Mr.Savage

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #144 on: March 10, 2011, 03:37:43 PM »
hi new to the fourms but i must say my p07 .40 works just fine, mag drops every time.idk if you have earlier production run guns or its just an issue with the 9mm but my#75XXXX works great love this pistol!
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 10:56:07 AM by Mr.Savage »

Offline Lowrider

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #145 on: March 27, 2011, 03:14:57 PM »
Hi, All.  Been a long-time visitor to the CZ Forum, and a sometime poster (other clubs).  Recently, I purchased a CZ 75B compact.  Since I've experienced the same magazine issue that some owners of the P07 have, I wanted to share my observations with the hope that they may relieve some of your concerns and perhaps save some folks the hassle or returning their pistols to CZ.  

I've read all the comments on this thread--the causes, the cures, the inconvenience, and the disappointments. Some folks suggested that it might be temperature related (magazines expand and contract); some suggested that the magazines might be out of specification (too wide); some suggested that the "bulge" in the magazine well might be trapping the magazines; some suggested that the stickiness might be relieved by holding the slide, rather than the grips, while depressing the magazine release; some suggested that the issue was polymer-related; and some suggested that the problems were inherent in some early production runs.  Some also suggested that it was perfectly normal, and that the sticky magazines of the P07 were designed that way to accommodate the Czech Police who preferred not to have drop free magazines on their CZ 75D compacts.  Since my CZ 75B compact is all steel, has a tried and tested design, and is not the lineal descendant of the CZ 75D compact, not all causes pertained to my pistol.  Admittedly, some magazines and some pistols might be defective.  But it got me thinking.    

What all of the comments appeared to have in common was that, whether intentionally or otherwise, the clearance between the magazine and the magazine well in the pistol is meager.  Thus, even at optimum temperatures, given normal manufacturing tolerances, sometimes one magazine may stick, sometimes both, sometimes neither.  Holding the grips while depressing the magazine release compresses the grips into the magazine, thus decreasing the clearance even more.  That's why the magazine drops more freely (if not completely) when the slide rather than the grips are held while depressing the magazine release.  

I experienced the sticky magazine with the original grips.  When I replaced the orginal grips with CZ's cocobolo half-checkered grips, the problem persisted. To prevent the grip screws from coming loose, I installed rubber O-rings around each grip screw.  Still, the problem persisted.  Firing the pistol with dirty ammunition (Remington UMC) made the stickiness worse, again suggesting that this was an issue of clearance.  I cleaned the pistol, and the magazine was back to its normal stickiness.  

I gripped the pistol firmly, and pressed the magazine release. The tighter my hand gripped the pistol, the stickier the magazine became.  Neither magazine would fall freely when my grip was very tight.  I reached for a screwdriver and backed off the grip screws a little bit, then a bit more.  With each turn, I pressed the magazine release.  When both magazines fell freely, I stopped!  Hopefully, the rubber O-rings will help to retain the grips and the grip screws in place.   

Why the clearance is so slight is another issue: Perhaps it was intentional (no defect)? Perhaps the magazines are too wide (defective magazines)? Perhaps the magazine well is too narrow (defective frame)?  Or perhaps the grips intrude too deeply into the magazine well (defective grips)?  Of course, the "solution" only works if the firearm has grips which may be loosened.  If the grips cannot be removed, there may be other solutions to lessen the compression on the magazine when the grips are grasped.  But in my case, at least, both the cause of the issue and the solution have been identified.  I hope this helps others.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 03:28:23 PM by Lowrider »

Offline excheck

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #146 on: March 27, 2011, 08:16:36 PM »
Lowrider, this is excellent post, but it is in the wrong place.  P-07 does not have grips or grip screws.   I think it should be posted in the CZ75 COMPACT CLUB board. 
 I changed grips on my SS Ltd to VZ grips and magazines was  sticky also. I did similar  adjustment  like you did on the Compact.
 Thanks for long writing, some other members might use your advice.  I will see how my Compact will handle magazines.  It should  be  here in 2 days with the new grips.   
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Offline Lowrider

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #147 on: March 29, 2011, 10:56:50 PM »
excheck: Thanks.  I thought about where to post.  Funny thing: When I was searching the cz forum on this issue, I ended up here.  Since this seemed like the most thorough discussion, I figured what the heck.  I noted, as you did, that the grip solution only worked if the pistol had grip screws and grips.  But the main points that I was trying to get across was that I didn't think that the issue was exclusive to early production runs of the Duty P07, that the issue also affects other models and magazines (according to CZ's web site, mine use the same magazines as the P-01 and the PCR, and the 75D), and that the greater the pressure on the sides of the grips, the "stickier" the magazines became.  I am not an expert on such things, but if you would like to move my post to the CZ 75 B forum, you may do so.

Incidentally, since my earlier post, I did some further experimentation (which included, among other things:  uninstalling one grip, and removing the magazine; uninstalling both grips, and removing the magazine; and separately tightening and loosening one grip screw at a time to determine the effect on the magazine release).  I found that adjustments to the left grip (side of magazine release) was a greater factor than the adjustments to the right grip.  I then finely sanded the interior surface of the left grip (which had virtually no effect). I concluded that the greater the grips were able to be flexed, the more likely the magazine(s) were to become sticky when the grips were held firmly.  So I went for broke: I cinched the grip screws (and O-rings) as tight as I felt do-able, without breaking anything.  After having done so, neither grip flexed regardless of how tightly I held the pistol.  To my relief, both magazines now drop freely even when I firmly grasp the pistol grips. If there is a non-traumatic (reversible) way to de-flex the non-removable grips of the Duty P07, perhaps this might help?

By the way, I have owned five CZs (two 83s, two 75BDs, and one 75B compact).  I experienced the magazine issue only with the 75B compact.  Anyway, sorry for intruding here if my comment was posted incorrectly.  Hope this issue is resolved one way or another.

Offline shootitup

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #148 on: April 17, 2011, 08:46:15 PM »
Got my P-07 .40 about a month put 50 rounds threw it & put another 50 threw it yesterday at my CCW class, having no problems with mags dropping (a7xxxxx series) out. I can lay mine flat push mag release an it shoots completely out of the grip. Only issue I had was last round out of 6 in 3 mags failed to feed, I just wrote it off for now as new and needs to a be broken in.

Offline factoryguy

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #149 on: June 12, 2011, 03:46:41 PM »
P07  Duty, I've had mine for about three months.

The magazines will not drop free but reloading is not that big of a deal unless you are shooting competition.  Knowing that the mag will not fall free, count your rounds pull the mag out drop it and load another Maybe 1/2 second.  I have put over a thousand rounds through mine with out a single hiccup.  The only problem with the P 07 IS THE CHEAP CHEAP SIGHTS.  I have replaced mine with the TRU-GLOW  fiber optics.

The Blackhawk Serpa holster for the Springfield XD works well with my P 07.

All in All, I am really satisfied with the weapon.  I've owned and fired a lot of pistols and to me this is one of the best.