The HKS-940-K
By: Den S
The following is a Pic-tutorial, where I will attempt to show how the HKS-940-KADET modification ( The HKS-940-K ) is done.
If you have any questions, feel free to call my cell: 949-254-5812
Or, if after viewing this tutorial, you'd rather have me mod it for you, please e-mail me at:
REMEMBER; The HKS-940 (like all HKS loaders) is a model specific loader, so the HKS-940-K will
ONLY load magazines for the models listed for the HKS-940
i.e. CZ 75/85, SIG 226 & 228 and there .22lr Conversion magazines
Start by looking at that the plunger "Hook" of your HKS-940. You'll see it has three areas; a groove, bordered on both sides by a ridge. If you compare the two, you'll notice that the groove somewhat lines up with the KADET magazine follower. I have noticed that there are no two hooks alike. One may be off more to the left and the next, off to the right. Compare your Hook to the follower and make a mental note of the amount of material that needs to be removed from each side:
Left ridge cut line. NOTE; on this Hook, it is almost, all of that ridge:
Right ridge cut line. NOTE; only about half of that ridge is to be removed
( remember, your hook may / will be different )
ALSO NOTE; on some Hooks, the inside may need a small amount of work to clear the back of the magazine: