« on: September 29, 2009, 10:41:10 PM »
I recently got an 82, at least it should be as it takes a 9X18 round. The reason I say that is because the slide has no markings on it at all. The frame and barrel are marked with the serial number, 024XXX, and the frame is marked 'SHE 85' with crossed swords. Just kind of odd is all.
Anyone have any ideas why the slide wouldn't be marked?

CZ22, CZ24, CZ27, CZ36, CZ38, CZ45, CZ46, CZ50, CZ52, CZ70, CZ75, CZ82, CZ83, CZ85, Drulov M70, DUO, Grand .38 Sp, Mars, Z, M1922, Praga, Praha, Slavia, Little Tom, VZ24, VZ33, VZ52, VZ52/57, VZ527, VZ54, VZ58, VZ98/22, ZKM451, ZKM455S