Ever since I bought my XD9 about 2 months ago I have been itching to buy another 9mm handgun... you know... cause I have a bunch of 9mm ammo. So, after shopping around for quite a while, and doing a ton of research I ended up with a CZ-75B HiPol Stainless Steel.

The rain finally let up and I had a chance to take my new toy to the range this morning.

(Yes my magazines are lame California 10 rounders. For some reason the matte stainless 75Bs come with 16rd mags and the high polish stainless 75Bs only come with 10rd mags. The range I go to only allows 6 rounds per mag anyway so it's no big deal.)
First and foremost, I am blown away by how well this gun feels in my hand. My XD feels good, but it takes a little bit of moving around to get my grip just right. With my CZ, every time I grab the gun, the grip is perfect. No adjustment is necessary. One problem I found however is that the serrations on the slide aren't very tall, so you don't really have much to grab onto. I cleaned and oiled the gun prior to going to the range and there was a little bit of oil on the outside. This made it rather difficult to rack the slide, as my fingers kept slipping off about halfway. After grabbing a grease rag and giving my fingers and the slide a quick wipe down I was back in business.
I really like the sights on the CZ. They are pretty thin so it makes it very easy to see what you are aiming at. I had no trouble quickly lining up my shots. The only problem was, I am used to my XD and was aiming 6 O'clock, where the CZ has a point of aim sight picture. Below is my target for the first 20 rounds fired through the gun.
20 Rounds on a 7" Bullseye at 12.5 Yards

(As you can see, my point of aim was below the bullseye, so thats where the bullets went.)
One thing I noticed is the trigger on this gun was pretty gritty at first, but it seemed to smooth out a bit after every 25 rounds. I fired 200 rounds through it total, and the last few shots I fired had a very smooth trigger pull.
After about 100 rounds I decided to take my time and see how accurate I could really be. So I fired 15 rounds slowly at a target.
15 Rounds on a 7" Bullseye at 12.5 Yards

(I'm obviously not a marksman, but I was pretty surprised at the group I was able to achieve.)
Then with about the last 50 rounds I had, I decided to have some fun with rapid fire shots and one handed shots. Here's one of the targets I was shooting at with my "fun" shots.
7" Bullseye at 12.5 Yards

All in all it was a great range trip. I had a few people at the pistol line comment on how nice my pistol looked and some inquiries about what it was. Unfortunately after 200 rounds the nice stainless steel finish was covered in powder residue and greasy fingerprints. She still looks pretty good though

Now its time for a very thorough cleaning.