Author Topic: Introducing my Fiancee to Firearms  (Read 30646 times)

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Offline Wastelander

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Introducing my Fiancee to Firearms
« on: June 30, 2010, 05:20:44 PM »
Hello everyone,

To make a long story short, my fiancee has finally decided that she needs to get over her lifelong fear of guns and learn to shoot so we can keep and carry them for protection (I have a CZ-82 on layaway right now).  She wants to get into shooting for self defense only, and doesn't seem to believe me that it is fun (I used to shoot rifles and shotguns every now and then before we moved to AZ), but I am hoping to show her otherwise.  She wants the both of us to learn from her boss, who is very knowledgeable, before taking classes or going to the range on our own (although she has agreed that we should take as many classes as possible).  Basically, I will not be teaching her to shoot--I have no handgun experience anyway, and she still shrinks away from the idea of rifles and shotguns like they are cursed, so no long gun introductions will be had.  We are both friends with her boss, and he will be taking us to a gun club that is clean and has well-enforced rules, so there shouldn't be too many problems with it being awkward or feeling unsafe.  What I'd like to know is what kinds of things can I do to help her feel more comfortable, help her have fun, and just generally make her first range time a positive experience?  Thanks!
Author of Deadly Vanity.

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Offline Thren68

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Re: Introducing my Fiancee to Firearms
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 10:16:56 PM »
If possible, don't go with her the first session or two.  Drop her off at the door witht he boss and go grab some food.  The added stress of just having you there her first time or two is probally not worth it.

I don't know how knowledgeable the boss is (some folks think they're alot better than they are), but 20-40 minutes of dry practice in somebody's basement should happen before she heads to the range.  Grip, slide manipulation, FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER, magazine loading and insertion, basic jam clearing, FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER, proper sight alignment, keeping the muzzle downrange, FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER, drawing from concealment and trigger control.

Personally, I've bought basic classes for two friends who were interested in shooting.  Well worth the price to bring new blood into the sport and alot less stressful than spousal/boyfriend involvement.

Offline Wastelander

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Re: Introducing my Fiancee to Firearms
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2010, 10:43:01 PM »
If possible, don't go with her the first session or two.  Drop her off at the door witht he boss and go grab some food.  The added stress of just having you there her first time or two is probally not worth it.

I don't know how knowledgeable the boss is (some folks think they're alot better than they are), but 20-40 minutes of dry practice in somebody's basement should happen before she heads to the range.  Grip, slide manipulation, FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER, magazine loading and insertion, basic jam clearing, FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER, proper sight alignment, keeping the muzzle downrange, FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER, drawing from concealment and trigger control.

Personally, I've bought basic classes for two friends who were interested in shooting.  Well worth the price to bring new blood into the sport and alot less stressful than spousal/boyfriend involvement.

As for your first point, I already thought of that but she has a dependent personality by nature and in fact she refuses to go without me.  She trusts her boss, but when she is in stressful or anxious situations she feels more comfortable with more people she knows and is comfortable with.  As for the dry practice, that was to be a good portion of the time at the range, but I can certainly suggest that it be done somewhere else.  I have a few model guns I use for holster making, and I've given her the basics on what I do know, which has largely been regarding what buttons do what, sight alignment (assuming it's the same as iron sights on a rifle, anyway), the grip so far as I was shown the one time I got to put some rounds through a handgun, finger off the trigger, and keeping the muzzle in a safe direction, so she does have some base to go off of.

Classes are a similar situation to the introduction with her boss--she wants to take them, but she won't go without me.
Author of Deadly Vanity.

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Offline armoredman

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Re: Introducing my Fiancee to Firearms
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2010, 01:05:37 AM »
AZ, eh? Hmm anywhere close to Arizona City/Casa Grande? I could give a few pointers at our excellent free public range. Sounds like both of you would do well to take an NRA course or two, check into what they offer an Ben Avery and Scottsdal Gun Club.

Offline Wastelander

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Re: Introducing my Fiancee to Firearms
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2010, 01:08:52 AM »
AZ, eh? Hmm anywhere close to Arizona City/Casa Grande? I could give a few pointers at our excellent free public range. Sounds like both of you would do well to take an NRA course or two, check into what they offer an Ben Avery and Scottsdal Gun Club.

We are in North Phoenix by the Paradise Valley Mall, and the gun club we are going to be going to with her boss is indeed the Scottsdale Gun Club.  I actually just spoke to them on the phone a few hours ago to have an FFL transfer done to have my CZ-82 shipped from J&G Sales in Prescott down to SGC for me to pick up.  I just need to remember to call J&G in the morning because I forgot to add extra mags when I put it on layway :P.  In any case, after our introductory course with her boss, we planned on taking the NRA Beginner Handgun course, then the CCW course (even though you won't need a license in a month, I'd rather have it, and from what I read in the CCW course book from a few years ago there is a lot of good information in the class).
Author of Deadly Vanity.

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Offline armoredman

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Re: Introducing my Fiancee to Firearms
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2010, 01:39:07 AM »
SGC is a good place to go, never been there myself, but I have co workers who shoot there. Also, Shooters World is supposed to have an indoor rifle range, as the heat drives a lot of shooters indoors. We have an outdoor range locla to CG, so I tend to go early morning, when they open at 0730. :)
Welcome to AZ, home of the best gun laws around!

Offline Wastelander

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Re: Introducing my Fiancee to Firearms
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2010, 11:50:22 PM »
SGC is a good place to go, never been there myself, but I have co workers who shoot there. Also, Shooters World is supposed to have an indoor rifle range, as the heat drives a lot of shooters indoors. We have an outdoor range locla to CG, so I tend to go early morning, when they open at 0730. :)
Welcome to AZ, home of the best gun laws around!

Well I'll be headed over there soon (hopefully Saturday!) to pick up my CZ vz. 82, so I'll check them out, and thanks for the welcome!  The gun laws here are INFINITELY better than Illinois, that's for sure!
Author of Deadly Vanity.

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Offline BrianOblivion

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Re: Introducing my Fiancee to Firearms
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2010, 08:54:00 PM »
I also recommend Ben Avery. It's one of the finest ranges I've ever been to. It is outdoors, so it can be pretty hot this time of year (the main range has tables in the shade to fire from), but I think that overall, it is much more relaxing than indoor ranges.

The Rangemasters are very astute and many of the other patrons help to make it a safe place, without being rude or pushy. There's plenty of light, room to move around a little, and comfortable bench-shooting. Things move a little slower as well, because the no-fire break periods when folks walk forward to retrieve and set targets, unlike in an indoor range. This also teaches good habits for if you shoot less-formally in the open desert - i.e. No one handles a weapon when someone is downrange, know how to lock the action open, etc.

That's not to say that I've had bad experiences at Shooter's World, SGC, or Caswell's, I still go to all of them from time-to-time, but I just like the whole Ben Avery "vibe" a little more.

Also - If you are considering CCW, I highly recommend Gunsite, as their facilities and instruction are top-notch, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a bigger bargain on quality training. NOTE: I base this opinion on my experiences a number of years ago while Col. Cooper was still alive and involved in the school, but wasn't the owner. Still, I haven't heard anyone give Gunsite anything but praise.