Just like you, my first CZ gun was SP-01 Tact., found out later but very soon, it was wrong choice for USPSA. Regular SP-01 or (even better if) Shadow would and do work way better. A couple of reasons - easier and cheaper (if you pay for it) trigger work and better grip with a gun with manual safety. Shadow also comes with better sights, no FPB, better trigger, extended mag release and a few other goodies. Shadow is the best out of SP-01 family and one of the best in USPSA Prod class too.
Now, you need
holster and I'd recommend you to do it right first time - get BladeTech SP-01 DOH holster with either TecLok or SR Loop.
Pouches - get minimum of 4 (5 is preferred), I and many others prefer CR Versa ones.
Belt - CR Speed (+1 size from your normal belt due to holster and so on mounting) or Double Alpha, nice sturdy belts.
Bag - MidwayUSA has a range bag (product 939259680) equal to 511 or ChootersConnection for just $40 - get that.
Cleaning kit if you have none; small and cheap fishing lures plastic box with deviders for spare parts and small tube of lube/oil. Arredondo mag brush is great for when you play in the dirt/sand and drop mags.
Hearing protection (amazon.com, Howard Leight R-01526 is good cheaper electronic ones), eye protection in clear for indoor; yellow for bright indoor/clowdy outdoor; red/orange/brown for bright sunny days.
Cloth to whipe hands off, stapler; label your stuff; Prince grip enhancer (optional) scateboard tape to apply onto front and rear straps of gun's grip... the rest will come to you with practice

You'll soon discover that the gun is not the most of your expence, but ammo, range and match fees, gas, more ammo...

If you buy factory ammo, mark headstamp and pick up your spent brass for either later reloading it yourself or for another shooter to use, you can sell it too as once fired brass is quite desirable - second best after factory new brass.
Welcome aboard and safe shooting!!
Don't forget to have fun too