1998 CZ75B with red dot sight and Zero bullets shows the best result ever. I also used the MERIT optical attachment on my eyeglasses and it was the first time I could see the target and dot in the focus. It was the reason to group the shots that close.
The red dot looks small (at 9 o'clock), it has to do something with the camera.
The dot will cover X circle on the target at 20 yards.
The target on the left was shot at 10 yards using two hands. POA was red X.
The right one was
20 yards with support. POA was on the black circle at 6 o'clock.
I think that the selection of bullets, powder and OAL is right to show this result.
Most important: it must be the CZ.
BTW this reloading recipe is old one from Angus.