I bought the wolff 20# extra power spring for the Glock 19 for my 100. However, I have been having problems with it. Firstly, the spring does not remain straight when it is installed on the guide rod, it bunches up a bit. Since others have used this spring, I told myself it would not be a problem. Later when I put in a mag (CCI 115 gr JHP) and racked the weapon to observe the function, the slide would get stuck in the forward position. It would not rack and a round was retained in the chanmber. After some jimmying and elbow grease, I was able to eject the round, but it happened twice more when I repeated the process. I am scared to take it to the range, I don't want to have an AD with a round in the chamber. Regarless, I have put the factory srping back in. I would appreciate any advice, thank you.