New member. First post.
Rowe-75 -- Curios what your resolution to this was. I'm new to the VZ 58 via a VZ 2008, and purchased a new old stock Troy branded NEA kit and seem to have the same 1/8" or so that needs removed.
Comparing to the bakelite handguard that came with it (that handguard doesn't appear to have been filed or otherwise modified to fit), the length from front that goes into slot to start of the rear pin hole is nearly, if not exactly, identical.
The front slot portion seems to be identical on both of them as well. It appears to be the rear that needs material removed. Starting about 1/4 to 1/3rd of the way from top and removing material down in line w/ bottom of pin protrusion/end of the receiver (essentially to where handguard extends past receiver)... Or at least that's my initial eyeballing. Don't want to remove any material if I don't have to....
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!