You need to work on the exposure time to show the powder in case. Try a few shots of your pistol, that would be interesting.
These shots were done with some very rough parameters for the unit power settings, time and SFD. Another factor is the film which I am limited to what we have in the shop and it's not the best for fine details. And my final excuse, our processor chemicals (developer, specifically) are trash right now and we need to mix a new batch.
I have one loaded mag still in my locker (shhhhh!) and the next time we do some x-rays, I intend on taking some other shots showing different round counts in the mags as I'm curious how they line up to show with the 5 and 10 round indicators. With the fully loaded mag, even numbered rounds are on the right (as seen looking at the back of the mag, and opposite of the pics here because you're looking at the bullet end vice primer end). Not sure if this makes any sense, I need to work on my technical writing skills lol.
Also, these pictures were taken with my cell phone, so their quality isn't the best either.