Author Topic: C&Rs without Import Stamps?  (Read 1380 times)

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C&Rs without Import Stamps?
« on: October 30, 2011, 09:41:04 PM »
Just curious which C&Rs are more likely to be found naked (without import stamps). I've been able to find everything made before the CZ 52 without import stamps pretty easily. I've seen a few CZ 70s without import stamps. I've yet to see a CZ 82 without one. I've been holding out on buying a CZ 52 until I could find a naked one, but have been without success.

When exactly did the import stamp begin to be required? Also, I keep reading that a "bringback" would exempt certain guns from requiring an import stamp. Someone care to shed some light on the subject?

Offline armed hiker

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Re: C&Rs without Import Stamps?
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2011, 11:28:13 AM »
I do not know how to find guns without import stamps other than looking at them all. I would imagine there is a date at which they were all supposed to be stamped after. Then it would be a matter of finding guns imported prior to the date. I would bet the info is somewhere on the ATF's website.

I did see a CZ52 on gunbroker a little while ago that was supposedly non-import marked. I say supposedly because it took me a good couple of cleaning sessions before I could find any on mine. SOG imported and the marks were tiny as well as very light, half the size and almost not there in comparison to my other imports.

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Re: C&Rs without Import Stamps?
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2011, 09:37:45 PM »
Guns imported after 1968 were supposed to have import stamps. This was IIRC part of the GCA of 1968.

For example, my vz24 does not have a stamp. It was imported in the 1950's. My CZ52 does have a stamp. My Type 38 Arisaka does not have a stamp. Both of the barrels I have for my Turk 1903 Mauser have stamps. Finding a '52 without a stamp is going to be difficult methinks.

Since the CZ52 was not used in any wars I'm aware of you'll not find any as 'bring backs'. It's likely any slides you find without stamps were somehow brought into the country as parts.

Thankfully the import stamp on my 52 is not awful looking or in a non-sensical location on the slide. Honestly it almost looks like one could carefully sand it off and refinish the gun without much of a trace.


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