Ricky has been asking for a red dot, (on a bolt action rifle?), for his CZ 452 Scout, so I finally broke down and bought a Tasco red dot made for air guns and 22lr. It mounted up easy enough, and sight in was fast. Of course, that meant going to the range...on a weekend...gah.
The range was as crowded as I thought, being a Sunday, but I hadn't gotten my boy out in some time, so we went. Actually got a 25 yard pistol bay to ourselves...for about 10 minutes. A very nice elderly gent asked to shoot next to us, and proceeded to let fly with about 3 mags full from a Ruger LCP 9. Nice groupings. He then left, and I got his nickled brass. Yes, I asked!
Then Ricky got down to work with his CZ 452 Scout, and had grand fun shooting at 20 yards with it. Please note his Christmas present, a 10 round extended magazine.
As you can see, Barney is dead...again...
He still has some difficulty with the bolt closing, but the rifle hasn't really been broken in yet, but with more time to go shooting, we'll change that soon!
I did fire a few rounds from the Phantom, checking on a new possible carry round. The Remington brass jacketed Golden Sabre 124 grain +P had some stiff recoil in the poly frame Phantom, or maybe that's just because I got used to my own reloads. In any case, it seems to be a serviceable load.
Also had time to run some more of Berry's new 115 grain HBRN-TP through the Phantom with the expected good results. Yes, the handloads shot better than the factory, as usual.
After the nice elderly gent left, the Bakers showed up with the niftiest matching Smith M&P 15-22s, hers with the pink tiger stripe camo. The wind started gusting harder, and their PVP stands and my metal base stand all fell over repeatedly. Time to go. Nice people - isn't it amazing how many neat people you meet on a range as opposed to so many other places?
Didn't shoot that much, but the smiles made it all worth it.