So I have finally got around to completing some (maybe all?) of the mods to my Tactical. I have done quite a bit to the gun recently and I will discuss it all below but first I must say that this guns action is nice! The trigger is smooth, light, and crisp. I can say that the work performed has been worth it and it wasn't that hard to do. I am a total noob when it comes to gunsmithing but with the tools and knowledge shared on this board, the work was easy. I will say that I am a mechanical engineer so I have a knack for figuring out how things work and getting it all back together in one piece.
Here is my list of mods to date:
11 lb Recoil Spring
11.5 lb Main Spring
CGW Extended Firing Pin
Reduced Power Firing Pin Spring
Reduced Power Firing Pin Block Spring
Reduced Power Trigger Return Spring
CGW Fiber Optic Front Sights and EZ Drift Rear Carbon Fiber Thin Grips
CGW Short Reset System
CZ Custom Competition Hammer
Full Action Polish
First the exterior Mods:
I was fortunate enough to win a set of grips as part of the Christmas giveaway (this forum rocks!
). I chose the carbon fiber thin grips because Paul from stated those were the lightest grips he sold for a full size CZ. They are light and are molded straight from the aluminum thin grips that you can find for our CZ's. The grip tape is actually molded into the grip. I have big hands so I don?t know if I truly will like the feel of these in competition but I am going to give them a shot for now. The grips fit well and have Kevlar reinforcement around the grip screw so they should hold up over time. The grips weigh .811 oz which is a savings of 1.56 oz over stock. I may try to lighten these even more at work on the mill but we?ll see how much weight this gun has lost and determine if more is necessary.
I purchased the sights from Cajun Gun Works. David is great to work with and really provides a great service to this forum. All his machined parts and knowledge shared have made this project possible for a noob like me. The sights were pretty easy to install and only required a fair amount of sanding. All the instructions included in the kit were easy to follow and provided enough info to get the job done. The sights fit well and the finish is a pretty close match to the gun. The front sight width is spot on to the rear blade width. There is plenty of light gap around the front sight (when looking at the sight picture) and the fiber optic is easy to pick up upon draw. I am excited to go shoot a match to see how well these sights help me perform.
The CZ competition hammer was another lucky acquisition. I was shopping for a P01 for the wife (and me
) and came across one with this hammer installed. CZ Custom did a trigger job and modified this hammer for the decocker. Given the P01 has the same internals as the SP01 tactical this made the hammer swap possible. So I did the hammer swap and while I was into the gun did some other mods aswell (detailed below). It is really amazing how much better this hammer is as compared to stock. The hammer drop is crisp. There isn?t any noticeable creep but there is still a good feel to the break point.
Internal Mods:
Using the info on this forum I polished the internals. I polished the trigger bar, sear, ejector, disconnector strut, and all pins (that weren?t replaced). I used a combination of polishing stones, sand paper, and a dremel with buffing compound to get all parts smooth and polished. The stones were helpful in keeping appropriate surfaces square (trigger bar to disconnector) and were able to get a pretty decent finish too. CZ Custom already took care of the hammer and disconnector so I was ahead of the game. I also installed a CGW trigger pin, lighter trigger return spring, and new disconnector pins.
While I was in the ejector cage, I installed the Short Reset System from CGW. Using CGW?s new slave pin and some patience getting the ejector cage back together wasn?t as bad this time around. I was able to get the ejector cage (with all internals) together in about 15 minutes! I don?t know if the stars were aligned just right but it went really smooth. Once together I followed the SRS instructions and set the firing pin lifter lever height and secured the setscrew with loctite. The firing pin release timing is perfect and the reset feels much shorter as compared to my other CZ?s.
The DA action is smooooottthhhh. I am really impressed. The reset is short and positive. The break point is crisp and deliberate. Given the earlier respring job with the CGW extended firing pin the DA pull is also light. The SA weight is borderline too light. I may end up going back the the OEM trigger return spring. We?ll see how it goes at the next match. Below is a summary of the mods performed and the average DA and SA trigger weight. The numbers are based on an average of 30 pulls per mod level/pull type. The numbers don?t tell the whole picture, the feel is night and day better.
Mod Level DA (lbs) SA (lbs)
Stock 11.26 4.82
Stock (13 lb Main Spring) 8.07 DNM
Stock (11.5 lb Main Spring) 6.33 DNM
Respring and Extended Firing Pin 6.42 3.12
Respring, Hammer, and Polish 6.33 2.29
Here are some current pictures: