Today when I tried to fire the rifle, I got the dreaded *click*. A close inspection revealed that the very tip of the firing pin had somehow broken off, leaving a concave crater that was ALMOST long enough to reach the primer - it left little half circles on one side of the primer. The amount of metal lost is very small, but just enough. When I broke down the bolt, (that's gonna be a pain to put back together - good thing I know a gunsmith.), I saw that the firing pin was a slightly different design that the pictured one in my 7.62x39mm hi cap manual. I wonder if that was the issue, as the rifle has performed perfectly for about 2000 rounds, give or take a few hundred, between the factory and me. I fired only factory or mid range reloads, nothing hot.
I sent in an e-mail to Dan at Czechpoint, and I don't doubt this will get taken care of toot sweet. Hey, compared to the Glock slide breaking while firing in front of me, this ain't nothin'! I can't wait to get it back into action - I have a bunch of lovingly prepared hunting loads to try!