Something many people don't consider is when you get yanked out of bed by the alarm shrilling, the dogs barking, the lovely sound of breaking glass as the bad guys struggle to break through the bars, you have a few choices...walk downstairs in your slippers with your pistol in one hand, cell phone in the other, wondering what is going on. I rather don't like that idea. First, my jammies are relatively bullet permeable, and I have no reason to go any farther than my son's bedroom to get him back to the safe room. I also like to use whatever advantages I can get and I scored a new recently, something that is very easy and fast to use. What I have is a new get up from a local shop called AR500, a steel plate armor manufacturer.
Before I get into detail, think about the irony here - the Romans started the manufacture of back and breast curiass style armor over 2000 years ago, which use ended with the Spanish Conquistadors...and has made its return, 400 years later. Just goes to show a good idea never dies completely.

The setup I got is this one,, a complete setup with plates, carrier and pouches. I will have to say, I have never used MOLLE before, and had no idea how to thread these darn things on, but I got thw two mag pouches to get on. I have a coyote brown AK mag pouch I wanted to use with the SA vz-58 7.72x39mm version,(anyone know how to thread those weird plastic dealies that come with Blackhawk gear?), but the included AR-15 mag pouch just happens to work well with the SA vz-58 5.56mm version.

The pistol mag was easier to put on, and I will likely set it up with one pistol mag and a flashlight in the other side. I'd like to get a single mag pouch for rifle, and a cell phone holder - if I have to change magazines more than once, I stayed there too long. :shock:
I did get a few quick pictures today, nothing dramatic,

Ok, ONE dramatic picture.

This is a good view of how I have this one setup, but I think I will adjust it to sit lower on the chest. This has the twin pistol mag pouch with two CZ 75 SP-01 magazines, and twin AR-15 mag pouch with two Brownells aluminum 30 round mags loaded with 45 grain Varmint HP ammo.

You can also see the Shooters Cut on the armor does allow better positioning of the rifle - the butt doesn't sit on a corner of a plate, pounding you with every shot. stuff is NOT light, each panel weighs 7.5 pounds, so figure on 18 pounds with loaded gear to throw on at a moments notice. The twin fast plastic buckles on the sides means you can leave on locked and one open to slide through, click it shut, and you have phone, reloads and flashlight, right there. Grab your rifle/subgun/shotgun/pistol and go. Not something I'd want to wear running around in the woods, not an my age and gut size, but for a HOLY RUSTED METAL, BATMAN, moment, yeah, it'll do.

It isn't something most people would think of, I admit, but it has two advantages that many people won't realize - it's FAR cheaper than comparable soft body armor. Soft armor is concealable, and the very good stuff tends to crowd the $1000 mark here in the US. This complete setup is just over $200. This particular carrier is NOT meant for all day use, but for occasional use - they do have a very nice carrier that would work for regular duty use. might invest in a better carrier later...when I've lost some weight and don't look like a jellyroll squirting out the sides.

In any case, I thought I'd throw that out there. Obviously, this has to be part of a layered defense strategy - if all you are relying on is the sound of breaking glass giving you plenty of warning, I fear you may be mistaken. :what:

But when you can build that layer of time between the outside and your tender pink rear end, this item could be a life saving asset.