Author Topic: Brno ZKK600 7x57; Brief Review and Range Report  (Read 17142 times)

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Brno ZKK600 7x57; Brief Review and Range Report
« on: January 13, 2013, 05:24:48 AM »
We all know about the famous Brno rifles, specs and all. Well, I will just post some pictures, and a brief review.

The model under review is a NIB ZKK600 7X57 Mauser, model year 92, Dosal assembled (a company in Pakistan which imported kits), but one of the very best I have seen. Infact, I did get to handle quite a handful of CZ550s lately, (all Czech made) 3 in 308, one each in 30-06 and 7mm Mag, and this particular rifle could only have been singled out as the best finished of them all!

The stock and finish on the rifle are excellent. It was wowed by all present at the range. The finish on the wood is very matte creamish in colour, very much like a cappuccino! Pretty much what I prefer!! I am told it is some fine walnut (Pakistan has some of the best walnut around), and I will take that. What more, the barrel is free floated on this particular piece. I could not take exact pictures of that, but some of the ones presented might give an 'idea'

The 'gap' between barrel and stock was identical on both sides, I just missed to take a picture from the other side!!

The bolt is typical modified Mauser action, used in Brno and CZ rifles. There might be differences from other actions, but I am not very versant with either CZ, Brno, Parker Hale, or any other models to explain them in detail. You will all have to live with that this is a modified Mauser action, and according to some, a well made ZKK is the best action CZ has ever made, however ZG47 was always more consistent!

As you can see from the condition of the removed bolt, the rifle was not even properly degreased! What a sight this red fluid after the first outing!

The safety is positive, and at a very good location. Activated by pushing forward with right hand's thumb without having to remove it from the stock while gripping the weapon. When pulled back, a positive click indicates accompanies safety deactivation. It is pictured just behind the bolt on the lower part or the picture.

Trigger is crisp, just under 4lbs approx, very suited to both hunting as well as range shooting. I did not check if it was single set or not.

The sights are front post and rear fixed, drift adjustable. Apparantly, they were very well zeroed for 250mtrs! It was very easy to acquire a good clear sight picture.

Some more red above!! Also, the barrel is tapered, as clear from the pictures.

The best part (amongst all the above best parts!) was accuracy. All three shooters incluing myself 6"-7" from 100yds. Please note this is from iron sights, the shooters are all novice (at least in rifles, as I have not shot over 40 rounds in total with rifles!!) and a make shift rest, while one of us shot prone. I shot two groups (3 shots each), one was 6" (two bullets in 1.5", third was a flier, not visible in picture below) marked in circles, and the second group is just a shade over 3", marked in squares.

Shooter: cOoLbOx
Distance: 100yds
Ammunition: S&B 139 gr SP, 7x57
Sights: Iron Sights

Please focus on the RED marked holes and discard the target on top in above picture. POA was base of black circle in the lower target, intersection of 6 and 7 ring. The rifle is shooting about 9" higher at 100yds. Apparently, with this ammunition, the sights are zeroed for 300-325 yards. With a proper scope, I have no doubt that this is a sub-MOA rifle.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 06:19:54 AM by coolbox »
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Offline ZG47

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Re: Brno ZKK600 7x57; Brief Review and Range Report
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2013, 05:44:36 PM »
Thanks coolbox. Nice rifle and pictures.

ZKK advantages (compared to ZG47) are:
(1) Bottom of cocking piece captured in receiver (as shown in picture) i.e. cannot rise up like some Mausers, thus providing more consistent lock speed and better accuracy;
(2) aperture sight, which is not present on this example;
(3) provided with two trigger options, single-stage and single-set;
(4) easier access to safety lever when scope is mounted;
(5) greater production;
(6) magnum action available.

Disadvantages (compared to ZG47) are:
(1) Slightly poorer finishing;
(2) bad production years;
(3) trigger vulnerable to stock bedding issues because part of mechanism is attached to floorplate;
(4) barrel mounted backsight requires drift, as opposed to screw adjustment;
(5) many rifles are equipped with Monte Carlo stocks which have hard to hold triangular fore-ends, diminishing field (and range) accuracy.

A good shot at close range beats a 'hit' at a longer range.

Offline coolbox

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Re: Brno ZKK600 7x57; Brief Review and Range Report
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2013, 02:47:07 AM »
@ZG47, thank you for your response.

Could you tell me

1. which were the bad production years? And what was 'bad' in them? Mine is '92 model, and while so far this rifle is well beyond my capabilities, but I would like to keep an eye on the better years models, and also, what to look out for.

2. is the trigger vulnerable if the stock is not bedded properly from factory, or otherwise due to improper bedding by the user/gunsmith?
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Offline jwc007

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Re: Brno ZKK600 7x57; Brief Review and Range Report
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2013, 03:42:00 PM »
Very Very Nice!!!  8)
Any possibility of replacing the Trigger with a Timmney Mauser Trigger that attaches to the rear tang?

I like the 7x57mm Mauser Cartridge and have two Rifles, so chambered.
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Offline ZG47

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Re: Brno ZKK600 7x57; Brief Review and Range Report
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2013, 06:09:39 PM »

1. Production issues. My understanding is that the production issues were related to rising costs. I understand that at one stage they were solved by importing Vietnamese tradesmen/craftsmen at lower wages but eventually they had to buy new CNC machinery to replace wornout equipment and reduce handfinishing requirements. I have at least one article stored away which refers to  the quality issues but many of the written comments that I recall, seem to have been asides by magazine gun reviewers in my part of the world (thus harder to track down).  I will get you the details of the article I mentioned.

2. Trigger/ bedding issues. The greatest risk is if the rifle gets wet and the stock swells up. You should check that the inletting is sealed but, more importantly, check under the buttplate. Moisture can be absorbed up to a hundred times faster through the end grain than the face of timber. Best way to seal the endgrain is to get some spar varnish (what they use on yachts), thin it down according to professional advice and apply very thin coats. Do the same with any checkering.

Have fun and enjoy your rifle.
A good shot at close range beats a 'hit' at a longer range.

Offline coolbox

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Re: Brno ZKK600 7x57; Brief Review and Range Report
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2013, 04:03:20 AM »
Very Very Nice!!!
Any possibility of replacing the Trigger with a Timmney Mauser Trigger that attaches to the rear tang?

I like the 7x57mm Mauser Cartridge and have two Rifles, so chambered.

Thank you jwc007. I will stick with the factory stock trigger, like it that way. I intend to keep this one stock, at most, might get a replacement barrel in 308, but perhaps not! I have planned to first test thoroughly, and pass this one on in the family, son, nephew, son in law? in time perhaps..(I am only 34 now!!)

thank you, I will look forward to the article, if you could get it. I will also talk to a local gun-smith about sealing off the wood.
Either-ways, I do intend to enjoy this rifle.
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Offline ZG47

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Re: Brno ZKK600 7x57; Brief Review and Range Report
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2013, 06:55:23 PM »
Article is:

Zbrojovka Brno - ZKK Series, by Gary Przibilla, pp. 100, Guns & Game, Number 55, July-September 2007.

Website:                       Email:

You might wish to extend your scholarship further by obtaining the following articles by Mr Przibilla:

Swedish Mauser M1896 "Hand grenade", p. 60, issue Number 53, January-March 2007
Brno ZG47, p. 74, issue number 57, January -March 2008
Hussar: Parker-Hale's ZG47, p. 106, issue Number 59, July-September 2008
Behind the Steps, p. 138, issue Number 65, January-March 2010
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 03:40:45 AM by ZG47 »
A good shot at close range beats a 'hit' at a longer range.

Offline coolbox

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Re: Brno ZKK600 7x57; Brief Review and Range Report
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2013, 03:17:08 AM »
That is great help ZG47. Thank you indeed for the links.
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Re: Brno ZKK600 7x57; Brief Review and Range Report
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2013, 04:30:43 AM »

The cases of the fired S&B 139 SPs that I was using, showed blackening around the neck area. I have seen that in 9mm autos (again with S&B 124gr or 115gr in my CZ TS), and attribute it to un-burned powder or slow burning powder. What could this be in bolt action rifle? The neck looks like it was 'flamed' from the chamber direction. I do not have access to other 7mm ammo, but will try to get a loan from a friend and shoot some more to find out. Any comments?

I will try to post a picture of it, but I am sure people would have come across it too, specially those who reload.
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Offline ZG47

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Re: Brno ZKK600 7x57; Brief Review and Range Report
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2013, 05:26:12 PM »
Slower than ideal burning rate powder. I suspect that the latest shipment of their preferred powder was running late so they used a powder more suitable for 7x64 with same bullet (or heavy 7x57 loads). Much safer than using a faster powder, given all the reports of excess pressure in undersized U.S. barrels, over the years.

Easy to clean, just wipe a cloth with some Hoppes or a straight powder solvent around the necks and clean off residue with a mild degreaser. Best done same day, otherwise straight before you tumble them.

Part of the learning process. Have a good day.
A good shot at close range beats a 'hit' at a longer range.

Offline coolbox

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Re: Brno ZKK600 7x57; Brief Review and Range Report
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2013, 02:59:12 AM »
Thank you ZG47. It is always good to learn..
Life is too short to waste on a bad trigger pull