Author Topic: cz40b otw back for repairs *update*  (Read 4123 times)

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Offline Hardcore

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cz40b otw back for repairs *update*
« on: October 25, 2006, 01:11:24 AM »
Well I mailed it off yesterday, to fix a premature slide lock, mag dropping problem while shooting and stripped grip screw bushing which fell out. I guess we will see what happens.

Offline gunzrfunz

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cz40b otw back for repairs *update*
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2006, 02:42:13 AM »
Sorry to hear of your problems. My PSL problem was solved with the new[beefier] slide lock spring sent to me. I haven't experienced PSL since, and that's been about 300+rnds or so.
I have never heard the mag drop problem on here before, doesn't sound very common. Were you messing with the grips prior to the bushing falling out? I have been thinking of putting on custom grips but haven't decided yes or no yet. Well, good luck with it and I hope they attend to you faster then they did me.>:

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cz40b otw back for repairs *update*
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2006, 04:01:42 PM »
I bought some grips from Omega and when taking the factory grips off the bushings came out with the screws on one side of the frame. I tried to put them back on but it screws throught the frame to far and interferes with the mag. I am not a gunsmith so i figuered I would let the fix it, I hope:D . The mag problem I believe is mag related. I have a Z40 made for Colt and the mag does not drop during a shooting string. I don't think I am accidently hitting the release. I guess I will see what CZ says.

Offline phdinfunk

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cz40b otw back for repairs *update*
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2006, 06:59:39 PM »
I too experienced the premature slide lock once as I was shooting a box of fifty rounds.  I will contact CZ about this, although I had assumed that perhaps I shoved it upwards with my thumbs whilest shooting....

You know, all that nice fancy grip technique...


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cz40b otw back for repairs *update*
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2006, 08:40:28 PM »
I got my CZ back today it took about 3 weeks. The work order stated that installed a new slide stop spring, recut the mag catch and replaced the magazines. I will find out thursday if that fixed my issues. The grip bushing were also repaired. Very happy with the pretty speedy repairs just wish shipping had been cheaper.

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cz40b otw back for repairs *update*
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2006, 04:51:27 PM »
Well, CZ fixed the mag dropping issue and out of 150 rounds fired the mag did not drop once except when the release was pressed. The accuracy was great however the slide lock issue is still occuring. CZ did replace the slide lock spring while they had the gun.

While shooting winchester white box it occured 3 or 4 times per 10 round mag. I switched to hollow points and it decreased to about 1 per 15 rounds or so fired.

I will be calling CZ again for a replacment slide lock spring. Anyone know if there is an aftermarket source for a stronger spring?

Offline Jeff Bergquist

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cz40b otw back for repairs *update*
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2006, 07:56:54 PM »
I don't think there is a stronger spring available, The factory one is made from pretty stout wire, but if you put some slight bends in the one you have you might be able to get it to put more pressure on the slide stop.
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Offline gunzrfunz

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cz40b otw back for repairs *update*
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2006, 04:49:11 AM »
I've put approx. 1k rnds thru mine since replacing the slide lock spring, and only once did it occur in that time. My friend was firing it, but I'm not sure if that was a factor.  I also polished the feedramp, you might want to try that as well since you said changing ammo altered the results. I changed the recoil spring and mag springs as well, trying to fix the problem in addition to the brass ejecting 20-25' from where I fired[it didn't:( ]. I am glad to be in the position of giving advice rather then needing it in this case, as it was quite frustrating when it was happening to me, so I sympathize with you. Good luck and keep it pointed downrange.:p


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cz40b otw back for repairs *update*
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2006, 04:26:04 PM »
Premature slide lock is most-often due to weak mag springs (which allow the top round to move around and nudge the slide stop.)

I've had p-m slide lock in several guns, only once was it due to the slide stop spring itself.  Mag springs -- extra strenght from Wolfe -- generally fix the problem.

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cz40b otw back for repairs *update*
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2006, 06:30:35 PM »
Well count this as TWICE then since replacing the slide lock spring fixed it for me.:)    I replaced the recoil spring in an effort to fix the far ejecting brass problem[it didn't] and was replacing the mag springs to hopefully fix the premature slide lock problem[it didn't]. Generally speaking, different guns with similar problems have different fixes, generally. If he is speaking of the 40B[which I have] then I would say replacing the slide lock spring should work for the psl problem, unless they put in a standard spring as opposed to the beefier one like I got in the mail. I concur with Jeff and maybe xtra bend in the spring would help.

Offline Hardcore

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cz40b otw back for repairs *update*
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2006, 03:17:26 PM »
Well, I went to the range today and ran 90 rounds of CCI 180grn FMJ through the gun and had only one premature slide lock. Which is great. I had another problem while shooting however. I started to notice that the baseplate on the mag was moving around alot. I looked at it and noted that the base plate on the right side of the mag had sheered off. I will try and get a replacment for it but I think I am going to trade this pistol off this coming weekend,

Anyone need some Omega Purpleheart grips? $40 shipped only mounted once.

Offline gunzrfunz

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cz40b otw back for repairs *update*
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2006, 03:30:35 PM »
Sheered off? on the bottom of the mag?? WTF are you doing to "sheer off" the bottom of a mag[if that's where it is, if not it's not the baseplate], and how is this the guns' fault to get rid of it?

Offline Hardcore

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cz40b otw back for repairs *update*
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2006, 04:38:19 AM »
It's not the fault of the gun. I have just descided I don't want to mess with it anymore. The baseplate sheered off where the slot that the mag base slips into to lock it in place. I'll post a pic if you want to see it. I think you need to relax a little. I guess I should not have even bothered to post on this board, it has like what two members in the cz40b section?

Offline gunzrfunz

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cz40b otw back for repairs *update*
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2006, 03:56:34 PM »
I was curious and counted about 12 different members posting in the 40B section in the last month, not counting you since you are getting rid of yours. Actually, not bad numbers considering the 40B is not as common as the 75b or 97b etc. Are you going to sell your 40b on gunbroker? If so, post pics with it so I can see the sheered off part. Sorry if you think I need to calm down, but your post sounded more like an abuse issue then saying you were getting rid of it cause you had enuff of it.

here's mine with Hakans Desert Ironwood grips. I love it.

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cz40b otw back for repairs *update*
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2006, 09:32:08 PM »
Here is a pic to illistrate what I am talking about. I do not abuse or misuse my weapons they are well maintained but do see use. This mag in brand new by the way and came back with the gun from CZ. They replaced the original mags that I sent in with it.