Author Topic: CZ newbie w questions and compliments  (Read 3755 times)

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Offline blk sqrl

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CZ newbie w questions and compliments
« on: September 01, 2013, 10:06:45 AM »
  Hello there,
I am new here to this forum and am looking into my next purchases which will be a "his and hers" setup and likely a third for my son to come into, and could use some help brainstorming.
    Before I begin I would like to compliment the members of this forum for the level maturity here that is not found on some other forum sites. Less people letting their ego get in the way of a good discussion.Kudos!
- set of three= familiarity of use for all family
- 9mm = capacity, commonality, light recoil fun for the whole family
- compact or full = both my wife and son handle a full size pistol well enough to build on
- ? if these were the only handguns I could get before a ban, bankruptcy,or breakdown, what would you suggest?
- would it be a CZ
- would it be polymer?
- can the "internals" of any pistol or rifle(AR) for that matter be corrosion coated similar to the sig226 combat,navy/mk25?
- does CZ offer such a feature?

     Please weigh in.

Offline parkgt

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Re: CZ newbie w questions and compliments
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2013, 02:12:03 PM »
You really have not yet provided enough information to help narrow your field.

Are the guns going to be carried much, concealed or open?  Is weight and size an issue?

Is capacity much of a concern?

Do you want one or more to have a rail for light/laser?

Do you want to buy new or used?  What is your price range?

General thoughts:

Unless on boat, in a saltwater area or storing poorly, corrosion should not be a issue.
If you are using it often enough to be proficient and then cleaning and lubing as one should there shouldn't be corrosion.

We have 4 Sigs and two CZs in the house, except for a single Rohrbaugh those are the two brands I care for these days.  They are high quality and fit our hands well.  Any you consider should feel good in hand.  I am not a big fan of poly guns but many do fine with them, never had one in hand that felt really good and well balanced.

Lighter perceived recoil is somewhat related to the weight of the gun.  So are you willing to trade weight for conceal-ability? 

CZs:  More common ones:

 Larger/less recoil  Shadow or full steel 75s
 Compact but still fun to shoot. PO-1, PCR depending on rail or not.

Sigs: Start with the P239 and work up to your size, weight or dollar limit.

Bang for the buck in those two brands would be the PCR and PO-1 new.  Otherwise consider looking for used Sigs, maybe CPOs.

« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 06:26:43 PM by parkgt »

Offline blk sqrl

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Re: CZ newbie w questions and compliments
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2013, 04:55:52 PM »
 Good points. Here goes,
  carried yes, concealed sometimes, open sometimes.  Im 6'3"  shes 5"9"
  weight and size not biggest issue
  capacity important

   we have shot as a family some glocks and an xd as well as beretta 92s,px4
sig 226 and some revolvers,I have shot others as well over the years. 
 not crazy bout polymer , the trade of in extreme durability for a few oz hasn't sold me yet, alloys seems to be the balance between steel and polymer

  have home near ocean,also we do some boating.Enjoy cleaning the guns(mostly longuns w a couple plinkers) now w son and nephew etc,so maintenance isnt a problem.I guess I really like the redundancy of the coating. better safe than sorry...a friend had to re-blue his 226 after a boating/fishing trip, it got me thinking.
  Buy new. I could spend upwards of 1k each,don't want to but could. I use tools for a living and will always spend wisely to get the best of what's needed

  Light rail yes
  Really like the feel and shooting the 226 in 9mm feels like a handshake rather than a 2x4.I have only recently been turned on to CZ,seems owners also love the feel of their metal frame czs.I  love what seems the be great bang for the buck, does the other shoe drop?

  I like the p01

Offline JimThornTX

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Re: CZ newbie w questions and compliments
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2013, 05:37:44 PM »
Sounds like a P-01 would fit the bill. Alloy frame to resist corrosion. Has a light/accessory rail. 14+1 capacity, can also use full size 16-round mags. Just replace the flat mag base plate with an SP-01 base plate to help fill in the gap from the extra length mag.
CZ 52
CZ 82
CZ 83 Satin Nickel
CZ 75 P-01 ODG
CZ 75 P-06
CZ 612 HD

Offline RustedinKY

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Re: CZ newbie w questions and compliments
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2013, 09:03:18 PM »
+ 1 on the P-01

Best bang for the buck, but the SIG is a great pistol. Get what fits both your hands the best.

Offline snapshot762

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Re: CZ newbie w questions and compliments
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2013, 10:28:00 PM »
Sounds to me like the P-01 is the way to go!


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Re: CZ newbie w questions and compliments
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2013, 06:23:39 PM »
- ? if these were the only handguns I could get before a ban, bankruptcy,or breakdown, what would you suggest?
Not exactly sure what your asking here. Having had a prior bankruptcy should in no way keep you from getting a handgun, and ANYTHING with a magazine capacity greater then 10 rds. would be what I'd be looking for if I there were an impending ban.

As far as a "breakdown" happening as you say, well... if that had already occurred you'd probably be SOL in finding ANY type of firearm.

Offline TX_Southpaw

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Re: CZ newbie w questions and compliments
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2013, 03:19:52 AM » bout this:

His: SP-01
Hers: Compact L
Jr: P-01

Doesn't make a matchy matchy set, but they're all in the same family!!! :D get it...n/m   ::)   That way you get a full size and 2 compacts.  All have rails.  Cover the safety vs decocker option.  Personally I like the metals vs polymer, but it sounds like your family has shot plenty of polymer pistols.  Like others have said earlier, I've found the CZ fits my hand really well.  I heard great things about Berettas, but they can handle like bricks, and other polymers can be an uncomfortable gripping experience too.

His:  If weight doesn't matter, then open carry the SP-01, get your 18+ rounds and have fun.  This will have a low recoil, due to the full size weight in the pistol.
Hers: The Compact L because it's concealable, the mags can be upgraded (16 rnd, 18rnd, etc) during range time.  The trigger is tuned and smoothed out to 8-9lbs DA and 3-5lbs SA.  This will drop the DA (double action) trigger weight closer to what you've been shooting in some of the polymer pistols.   Your wife would probably prefer the lower weight compared to the stock trigger.  It has a good set of night sights, and spot on POA & POI.

Jr: If you want to conceal, use the P-01 with it's 14 round mags, and like the Compact L use a larger mags during range time.  It's cheaper (and easier to find) than the other two, so it's not like buying Camrys for the parents and a Corvette for the kid.  ;D

Offline Pynckone

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Re: CZ newbie w questions and compliments
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2013, 11:35:47 AM »
I have several CZ's: I full size, 3 different compact versions, and a CZ-83.

All have the same 'feel' to them so its quite easy to switch between them and maintain the same shooting characteristics.  From your criteria, I would opt for either the P-01 or 75 D (or PCR) depending if you want a rail.

I believe the ca-82/83 is an ideal gun for summer carry or for someone with smaller hands.  They are not 9x19 guns.  The 82 is 9x18, the 83 9x17.  One advantage I have found is many holsters accept the compact as well as the smaller CZ-82/83.

You won't go wrong with any CZ!

Edit note:  Ammo and Model combinations changed to reflect the proper ammo loads per Jim TX below.  He was right, my fingers wrong.

« Last Edit: September 06, 2013, 02:24:07 PM by Pynckone »
My blog:

Daisy lever BB gun.

Not listing my guns here anymore. 

Let the government figure it out! 

Lots of rocks and stones, and pretty good with a slingshot!

Offline JimThornTX

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Re: CZ newbie w questions and compliments
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2013, 06:51:57 PM »
The 82 is 9x17, the 83 9x18.

You have that backwards. The CZ 82 is 9x18 Makarov, the CZ 83 is 380ACP (9x17) and 32ACP.
CZ 52
CZ 82
CZ 83 Satin Nickel
CZ 75 P-01 ODG
CZ 75 P-06
CZ 612 HD

Offline blk sqrl

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Re: CZ newbie w questions and compliments
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2013, 09:13:12 AM »
 Got it. Love it.
compact L? checked website couldn't find it.

Offline blk sqrl

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Re: CZ newbie w questions and compliments
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2013, 09:36:46 AM »
 Hey JimThornTX can you post some pix of your p01 odg would love to see. Are they still made? I don't see it on the site.

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Re: CZ newbie w questions and compliments
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2013, 12:58:40 PM »
You need to handle and test-fire before you buy, if possible. I'd even say driving the 3hrs is worth it once you have shot before you buy. Once everyone has tried something they can then decide if its right for them.

EVERYONE on here can say what they think is best based on their opinion, BUT you need to know for yourself if these are the right fit by test firing them first.

I thought I wanted a glock 17/19 for my carry. I test fired it and hated it. Then I tried the CZ 75 BD. I absolutely loved it. CZ wasn't even on my radar before that. 
Remington R1 Enhanced, Chiappa Rhino 200DS, Sarsilmaz K2 45.
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Offline JimThornTX

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Re: CZ newbie w questions and compliments
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2013, 01:00:19 AM »
CZ 52
CZ 82
CZ 83 Satin Nickel
CZ 75 P-01 ODG
CZ 75 P-06
CZ 612 HD

Offline JimThornTX

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Re: CZ newbie w questions and compliments
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2013, 01:06:26 AM »
Hey JimThornTX can you post some pix of your p01 odg would love to see. Are they still made? I don't see it on the site.

Mine was made in 2011. I know at least one member here has one made in 2012. No idea if they have made any in 2013. The oldest I have seen was made in 2005. My understanding is the ODG P-01 is a very limited production run. I lucked out and found mine at a local gun show.
CZ 52
CZ 82
CZ 83 Satin Nickel
CZ 75 P-01 ODG
CZ 75 P-06
CZ 612 HD