My 40-P experienced FTFs from the start and got worse as more rounds were shot. That's how I found this forum, I was looking for help. Someone mentioned that their guide rod was bent. The next time I cleaned the gun, I examined mine. It looked like a warped banana. After talking to my gun shop, I ordered the MSC injection pin. While waiting for it to arrive (it took a whole 3 days!) I disassembled, cleaned and lubed my mags. That seemed to help for a while, but when the FTFs returned, I again re-exaimined the plastic rod. Bent again! When the injection pins arrived, I immediately cut one to length and have had NO FTFs since. I believe that the feeding of blunt point ammo is marginal, and that there are several issues that can cause FTFs:
1. Magazines must be clean, lubed and properly assembled. (Make sure that the top of the spring pushes against the front.)
2. The guide rod must not bind against the spring or the slide. (My problem)
3. Blunt nosed ammunition will FTF much more ofter than round or conical shaped projectiles.
4. Weak magazine or recoil springs may contribute, but those that came with my gun are not a problem.
My shooting buddy has a 40 caliber model 229 Sig which cost twice the price of my 40P, and mine groups better and feels better to shoot. I have heard that the Sig has a better trigger feel, but I can't tell. Now that it feeds reliably, I wouldn't trade. Good luck and good shooting!