Is the 2008 chrome lined barrel? Anyone know who makes the receiver and barrel- what is stamped on the side?
Is the slant brake that comes on it pinned/welded?
I get the sense the VZ receiver is US made: it has Waffen Werks, Knox TN, and D-technik stamped on one side, but a US patent number on the other side. All furniture on mine is lightweight black polymer with no markings.
I like my two CSA/Czechpoint 58's. I'll leave that at that.

The Century guns are generally good (especially for the money) as well.
The barrels on the 2008's are not chrome lined. They never have been. The barrels on the CSA rifles are original surplus, chrome lined. Albeit, they are in excellent condition. I saw/heard/read about one problem with an original barrel. It was replaced by Czechpoint.
The slant brake on the 2008 are not pinned. The original length barrels are slightly under 16 inches. Hence (unless you SBR) the CSA rifles have pinned extensions or brakes. The 2008 barrels are made slightly longer at around 16 inches. So no pinning is need.
I'm not sure about all the markings. But the receivers for the CSA rifles are made in the Czech Republic by D-Technik (now called CSA/Czech Small Arms). Czechpoint claims to be the sole importer of the CSA rifles. But Waffen Werks may still be an importer or was at one point. Waffen Werks may also be the the company that modifies the receivers from single stack sporter models to double stack models once they reach the US. (To follow import laws, the rifles come in one way and are modified after they get here to a more "military/original look".
The Century guns receivers are made here in the USA.
The black polymer furniture on your guns are there because Czechpoint/CSA said they were running low/out of good condition beaver barf. So they replaced their rifles with polymer copies.
Here is a list of parts that are made here and elsewhere:
The Century guns are in fact and have to be 922r compliant (as do others). They simply use more/different compliant, US made parts. I'm not gonna spend the time. So I'll quote Obiwan from a post from2012. applies to all weapons prohibited from importation by section 925d(basically, any semi automatic rifle or shotgun that has any of these "non sporting" features:
ability to accept high capacity(over 10)military magazines
ability to accept a bayonet
separate pistol grip
folding stock
flash or sound suppressor
threaded barrel to accept a flash or sound suppressor
accessory rails
This list is not all inclusive and the ATF can change it at their whim as the law only states "not particularly suitable for sporting purposes")
922r does not count the number of U.S. parts, but rather the number of imported parts, from a list of major parts that they deem to be countable. You are not permitted to use more than 10 of these imported parts
the vz58 has 15 parts that the ATF counts for 922r and they are as follows:
1 receiver
2 barrel
3 barrel extension/muzzle device
4 bolt
5 bolt carrier
6 trigger
7 sear
8 disconnector
9 gas piston
10 magazine body
11 magazine follower
12 magazine floorplate
13 pistol grip
14 buttstock
15 handguards
The following is a list of what U.S. manufactured(non imported) parts are used on the U.S. market avaialbe vz58 variants.
For compliance D-Technik Rifles use
1 trigger
2 disconnector
3 sear
4 floorplate
5 follower
Century vz2008 rifles use
1 receiver
2 barrel
3 muzzle device
4 disconnector
5 sear
6 gas piston
Ohio Ordnance works rifles use
1 Receiver
2 Sear
3 disconnector
4 Gas piston
5 Muzzle extension
6 Floorplate
Ohio Rapid Fire factory rifles use
1 Receiver
2 Trigger
3 Sear
4 Disconnector
5 Gas piston
6 Muzzle extension