Author Topic: CZ83 vs. 84BB. The Short Version.  (Read 6713 times)

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Offline keelbolts

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CZ83 vs. 84BB. The Short Version.
« on: April 07, 2014, 11:18:10 AM »
Just a few weeks ago, I became a member of the CZ83 club.  I bought my CZ after I held my friend's Beretta 84BB and fell in love with it.  More recently, that friend sold me his NIB Beretta 84BB.  The Beretta is a beauty, but if I could only have one .380, the Beretta would have to go.  I've read numerous on-line reviews of the 84BB that, collectively, describe it as the Cadillac of .380s, but I'd rather shoot my CZ.  I shoot it better.  I prefer my CZ83 to my 84BB - half the price for half again as much fun.

Who'da thunkit?

Offline bradpierson26

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Re: CZ83 vs. 84BB. The Short Version.
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2014, 11:32:46 AM »
Pics of both?

Offline Hurryin Hoosier

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Re: CZ83 vs. 84BB. The Short Version.
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2014, 05:36:47 PM »
I've owned an 84BB and it was a fine pistol, but I'm much happier with the CZ83's older cousin - the vz.82.  ;)

Offline Birds Away

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Re: CZ83 vs. 84BB. The Short Version.
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2014, 05:41:33 PM »
I've owned an 84BB and it was a fine pistol, but I'm much happier with the CZ83's older cousin - the vz.82.  ;)
Goes for me as well.  My 84BB was very nice and a good shooter.  But I prefer my CZs.
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Offline Hurryin Hoosier

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Re: CZ83 vs. 84BB. The Short Version.
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2014, 08:57:16 PM »
I've owned an 84BB and it was a fine pistol, but I'm much happier with the CZ83's older cousin - the vz.82.  ;)
Goes for me as well.  My 84BB was very nice and a good shooter.  But I prefer my CZs.

There ya go!   ;)

Offline il.bill

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Re: CZ83 vs. 84BB. The Short Version.
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2014, 11:27:22 AM »
I had a Beretta 84 (from before they started adding letters to the model number) and, as has been already stated, it was a fine pistol.  It was pretty heavy for a .380 ACP, and the original wooden stocks never felt comfortable in my small hands.  It functioned well, but I like my CZ83 much more.  Actually, I would prefer for my personal use a CZ83 over any model of the Beretta 84 at any price.

Offline il.bill

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Re: CZ83 vs. 84BB. The Short Version.
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2014, 11:52:41 AM »
An added Beretta 84/CZ82 note for your mild entertainment and my mortification -

Several years back I had a range date with a shooting buddy in a neighboring state.  I was running a bit late and quickly packed up my range bag for the trip.  Without realizing it I inadvertently took along a Beretta 84 magazine loaded with six steel cased .380 cartridges.  This range was very strictly controlled and I let myself get a little flustered in the new environment while trying to do everything just right.

When the range once again went live I had my 9x18mm CZ82 out and ready.  I was anxious to show my buddy how well that pistol shot and inserted a magazine to fire off six rounds.  I had been having issues with the magazine catch operations on that CZ82 and was annoyed that the magazine dropped loose a couple of times during that six shot string.

By now you have guessed the punchline - I had just fired six shots from my CZ82 using .380 ACP ammo from the Beretta 84 magazine.

I learned some things from this experience.  The most important is to pay attention to my shooting gear, always making sure that the proper ammunition is loaded in the correct magazine for each pistol.  Steel case .380 looks a lot like Makarov ammo, and similarities in magazines is no excuse.  I also learned that in an extreme situation, it might be worthwhile trying the wrong size caliber cartridge in a firearm when that is all you have in a life or death situation.

What I found most intereting about my stupidity at the range was that my CZ82 handled the .380 ACP flawlessly, IF you do not count the mag falling loose a couple of times.  This may speak more to my relatively poor marksmanship than anything else, but I also must report that those 9x17mm cartridges fired out of my 9x18mm chambered CZ82 gave me my best six-shot ten yard grouping of the day!

Offline Hurryin Hoosier

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Re: CZ83 vs. 84BB. The Short Version.
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2014, 08:36:39 PM »
Your 82 probably figured you'd had too many pivos and decided to give you a break.   ;D

Offline il.bill

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Re: CZ83 vs. 84BB. The Short Version.
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2014, 10:59:50 PM »
Your 82 probably figured you'd had too many pivos and decided to give you a break.   ;D

No pivos before the shooting trip for certain, but quite a few bottles of Pilsner Urquell after I got home!

Offline toolness1

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Re: CZ83 vs. 84BB. The Short Version.
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2014, 05:36:44 AM »
OK so what did the .380 cases look like after being fired in a 9x18 chamber?  I bet they looked a bit swollen, possibly cracked? (If you could find them)

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Offline Armor Snail

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Re: CZ83 vs. 84BB. The Short Version.
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2014, 08:17:38 AM »
Now add a Sig 232 into the mix and you will have obtained the Holy Trinity of the 7.65 Browning.

All 3 are the Cadillac, Mercedes, and Jaguar of .380's.

Offline tcallre

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Re: CZ83 vs. 84BB. The Short Version.
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2014, 02:05:29 PM »
I've always liked the Beretta 84 series and have shot a few over the years. A newer 84 is still on my bucket list to obtain someday. When I've shot them I was always amazed by the stout recoil (at least to me) they produce for a medium sized, lower powered handgun. I didn't perceive much difference between it and a PPK I owned for a while.  I put it down to the recoil action and aluminum frame. A few years ago I picked up a CZ83 and found it to be the smoothest shooting 380 I've ever fired. I believe the difference is the steel frame verses the alloy frame of the Beretta. Later I picked up a 82 and to me the hotter 9 Mak reminds me of the 84. I sometimes CCW my 82 and it's a comfortable carry but I'd think the lighter Beretta would carry better. I've always liked the looks of the CZ 82/83 pistols but aesthetically I find the Beretta 84 just plain sexier.

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