Hey all,
I keep coming back here cause you guys are so helpful.
I just got this used Cz 40b for 400 bucks. I couldnt pass up the opportunity. I took it to the range today. The issue I had today will be hard to explain so bare with me.
When firing, it felt like the slide was very slow chambering the next round. You could literally feel the slide pull back and try feeding the next round. This would, not in all cases, cause a jam or it would just continue to fire normally. I've tried all types of ammo. I have no idea what it is.
Otherwise it's an awesome gun and i hope to get this issue resolved.
Thanks for looking y'all.
I've had the
EXACT same problem on my CZ40P (not a "B".) I think if you go back far enough in the threads you'll find the discussion surrounding my problem. Many folks were helpful, but I never really got a resolving answer.
To be fair, I never real had that many jams, if any, because of it. The only 3 or 4 failure to feeds were due to ammo brands - my gun doesn't like bullets with larger flat areas on the nose. The Winchester White box 170 gr. (I think) and smaller flats work flawlessly in it.
I mention this only because your jams and your "slow return to battery" (which is what other folks called it when I asked them about it) may possibly be separate issues. I've come to the conclusion that my slow or "lazy action" (which is what I call it) is magazine related, at least with my gun. Why? The one original mag that I have for the gun has worked flawlessly (when proper functioning ammo is used.) The Mecgar 12 round magazines that I bought on other folks' recommendations are the mags that I have the problem with. I got another non-original mag that came with the gun (which I bought slightly used) but I don't know how it works. Never used it because it didn't seem to cycle as well as the others.
Also, for me, the problem only comes about when the gun is warmed up I don't experience the issue with any mag until I've fired 20 rounds or so. So check the mags to see if they're original and see if the problem happens only after you've been shooting awhile.