I've never had this issue with a hammer fired gun, just with striker fired guns (and that is debatable still at this point as I may have figured out what my M&P problems are, still need to make a few more range trips to be sure).
If I did have it with a hammer fired gun I'd:
clean the firing pin/return spring/channel
buy a new hammer spring
buy a new firing pin.
I oil the snot out of every gun I own. Never any issue from over lubing except for getting it on my hands/wrists/face while shooting. I oil my striker fired handgun strikers/channels/liners. Sorry, if it moves, I lube it. I didn't buy anything to wear out on me when I need it. It needs to work and if it moves, it gets lubed. Then, when I come home from the range and sometimes when its been awhile between range trips, I field strip it and clean it/lube it.
I've seen guns (some of my own) that sit for 10 or 15 years without being shot, have the lube get gummy/gooey and they need to be torn down, the gooey stuff removed and then relubed. I've never seen one gum up after only a few weeks (or even months) between cleaning/lubing and shooting.
One more thing, when I was having problems with the M&Ps and blaming it on the Tula small pistol primers I actually loaded up some rounds for my new P07 with Tula small rifle primers and all of them went bang. At least when new, the hammer springs on the P0 guns are plenty stout.