I think I'm in love!I cannot wait to get home and get my P-01! Just stopped in at the Cabelas north of Columbus, OH to kill some time before finishing my trip to make delivery in Pennsylvania tomorrow morning. Low and behold, look at what was in the used pistol cabinet (and ouch @ $600, got mine through Bud's NIB and with my transfer fee for $590)...
And since they had a P-07 in there beside it, I figured I would do a quick comparison shot. I will do a better set of images on a light colored background after I get home and get mine [emoji6]
Just an initial observation, but to me it feels w/o a doubt the stock Omega DA trigger pull is better on the P-07, but in SA the P-01 actually feels crisper with less take up and a shorter reset. Anyone else have input on that or am I crazy?
C'mon Friday!!!