You are obviously much more knowledgeable than me on this. I did not intend to do an actual parametric comparison, but afterwards decided to post my actual shooting measurements, as I have been measuring (actually "eyeballing") shooting groups to find out which cheap ammo was best in each of my pistols, and which defense rounds were most accurate and reliable in each of my pistols. The comparison for recoil springs was an afterthought, and the measurements are not precise, as I mentioned-just eyeballed. When I could not even find some of the bullet holes with the 17# spring, I knew I had a problem, which was corrected with the heavier 20# recoil spring. And, my RAMI was much more accurate than my P-01, until after I went to the 20# recoil spring in the P-01. And, my info included "flyers" and some ammo was very expensive, comparatively, so I only fired a few of those rounds.
What you say would best for a real comparison of apples to apples, but I don't want to go back and spend the money to quantify the accuracy or inaccuracy with the 17# spring. But, I might do like you said, with just one brand, say the S&B. If I do that, I will post an update. But, in any case, if someone else has this problem, they might want to consider increasing the recoil spring weight and see if that helps.