Stormwerkz and Ace folders are both options that allow you to run a variety of aftermarket stocks.
Members here have said Stormwerkz folder is heavier duty... My favorite folding capable stock is probably the ACE Socom stock... Length of pull adjustable, still light, and somewhat matches the modern VZ58 polymer stock lines (see it on
Personally, I don't care for the Mako stocks w/ plastic hinges...
I really like the Wolf/Tactical Grays on VZ58. In Ohio or Michigan (think that's where you're located if I remember correctly), the grays blend pretty well with bark on trees... And seems to be more multi-seasonal, multi-terrain (including urban) than black or FDE, etc... The original VZ gray is something they got very correct IMO.
But I also like Coyote Brown, FDE, and Ranger Green as bases on weapons... If SHTF or a geniune combat arm, I'd probably take rattle cans to them to further camo/break up the overall one-color signature and blend into the terrain... But probably wouldn't bother doing until critical to do so...
Grip, I'd go with AK. All you really need is a 1/8-1/4" plastic shim to fit into the grip groove on the part that extends from the trigger guard to fit, so that you don't have to carve up the AK grips to fit... ARs typically are made to conform to the receiver so would require much more substantial custom modifications on the backstrap to all most to mate to the VZ58.