I didn't see anyone else posting on this. If there was already a post -- please accept my apology and disregard. anyway...
If your gonna keep your Century Para (folding metal stock) Vzor58 in the basic stock configuration without all the forend grips, lights rails and antennas. Then this Paratrooper case for sale by one of the Czech ebay guys is pretty slick. It comes with a sling for the case which can double for the rifle. In the typical canvas and stitched leather motif of all the other Warsaw Czech surplus, IMO this is a pretty bleep cool accessory for the VZ58 with the folding stock. The case is designed to hold the rifle with the stock unfolded and sticking out of the top then slung onto your back with your pack and chute I guess from the pics I have seen. You can also easily get a 30rnd mag in there. I will try and get a pic up from the Samopal Vzor 58 book, or criminally link to a pic online, if I can find one.
Maybe its just me but... The price at $85+ would be fair IMHO for this quality, and he is selling for $30 plus ship on eBay -- which I find strange. I already snapped up a few, and after receiving them and realizing what a deal they are, I ordered a few more.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Packaging-the-paratroopers-vz-58-Czechoslovakia-for-gun-new-unused-/151449870931?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item23431da253 For purposes of disclosure - I have ordered a ton of shizha from this seller in the past, but I have no, zero, notta, affiliation with him.
I highly recommend this cool case for VZ.58 folders.