It looks parkerized and I seem to remember reading that was a finish CZ did periodically.
I will look into that, thanks.
i dont know of any info other than maybe an older catalog showing the fininshes.
I remember that at one time when CZ had drop down menus for caliber it also showed finishes. I have seen Flat black 75s offered FS from time to time too.
Tried their site, but can't find anything really usefull for such an old firearm.
Hopefully CZ UB will be able to go off the serial number and should be able to tell you exactly what finish came on that pistol. That is a very nice looking Pre B by the way.
Yes, I sent them the serial number, so hoping they can let me have the detail.
Thanks, it does look very nice. I have all those original parts still, but then I also have these for it.