A few pictures done this morning, a little better quality.
I like this one as an advertisement photo.
The accessories. Yes, I moved the hand stop, just trying different things. It requires an Allen wrench to move it. The weird thing is the Allen wrench for the hand stop and the Allen wrench for the pistol grip movement aren't the same size. That would have simplified things a bit. The SIG Brace Adapter is actually two piece, with the tube unscrewing from the block, allowing future accessories to be mounted, but WHAT I'm not sure, maybe cell phone holder to see down the sights and record your shooting? Perhaps a drink holder? Non alcoholic only, of course.
Alright, now I'm stumped - here's the actual CZ issue sling for this thing...how the heck do I set THIS up? I want to be able to single or two point it for hunting, and to give me some stability in a shooting position.
Two mag sizes. The mag release button SHOOTS those suckers right out, no worries about them hanging up!
The P-09 and the Scorpion "bonding"...
That's all for now...