I have not used carb. cleaner or brake cleaner on either of CZ's (P07 and P09) yet.
I have used both on AR15's, ramline synthetic (M1 Garand), and M14 GI synthetic stocks with no issues. After spraying a couple times with the aerosol cleaner/degreaser, I wipe down a couple times with alcohol and a lint free (microfiber) rag for insurance.
I've sprayed out my Glock, one XDM and both M&Ps with carb/brake cleaner, too, for cleaning purposes or after using some lapping compound on the striker/sear engagement surfaces (didn't really seem to help, a nasty trigger is a nasty trigger).
What brand/type of paint are you going to use? So far all I've used on the rifles (mentioned above) is krylon. One of the camo kits (comes with four colors of flat spray paint). I did use ceramic header (flat black) on a FAL a few years back and did a compete disassembly to remove all the springs, small internal/external parts, etc. I used carb cleaner and another solvent (can't remember the name but it is a common solvent sold at auto parts stores in a 1 pint metal can) prior to painting and then did the 3 cycle heat up/soak/bake/cool down/heat up/soak/bake to cure the paint recommended on the paint can. The FAL came out looking awesome and still does after several hundred rounds of .308 surplus. Can't do the ceramic paint back thing on plastic as it would never get to 550 F let alone the 400 F stage, but for metal parts it seemed to be okay.
I'm interested in the pictures, not just of the finished frame all reassembled but at various stages if you want to take pictures and explain the steps.
Thanks. Again, I've never sprayed a solvent cleaner on my CZ frames, yet. I know carb cleaner will make the grips on a Ruger Mk1 soft. BTDT. Once they dried off they weren't soft anymore but I have some interesting looking "smear" places on the leading edges of the grip panels where I was holding the frame and spraying it out (.22's are dirty, dirty, dirty).