Hay all, i got my TS out about a week ago and thought i would share some pics and observations. I have wanted a TS for quite a while. Out here in CA, it can be hard to come by the CZ TS California version. So, when one popped up in 9mm i jumped on it. After a field strip i noticed that this model is mechanically unique to any of my other CZ's.
Once i got it out, i took it home for a cleaning before taking it out to the range. This thing had more gunk in it than any CZ i have acquired to date. It was packed and dripping with factory goo. I changed out the flat black front sight for a CZC FO front before shooting it. The FO front took a bit of fitting but went in without issue. I like the rear sight and plan on sticking with it for now. Though the rear notch could be deeper it provides a good sight picture.
Here she is from the factory.

A few more pics after cleaning it up. The TS has a checkered magazine release, grips and grip frame. The size of the TS grip is manageable for me, i still intend on experimenting with thinner grips to see how they affect my grip on the pistol. The grips situation with the TS is unique in that it will except full size CZ75 grips but they must be cut down at the bottem to allow fitting with the stock polymer magwell.
I like the look of the TS muzzle. This is after installing the CZC FO front sight.
A side shot showing the tall rear sight, wide hammer and long blued slide.
It became clear to me after the first few rounds that the TS handles better out of the box than any other CZ i have had the opportunity to shoot. This is from the perspective of a target shooter, currently it is the only type of shooting i do. While i was aware that the TS was SAO, i was unprepared for the stock trigger weight. The increased weight of this pistol paired with the light SAO trigger made shooing it feel a bit like cheating. It shot well for me with little effort on my part.
Stock - CZ TS 9mm Trigger pull weight results (
10 pull average w. Lyman digital trigger scale)
Middle of trigger - SA 2lb,5oz
Bottom of trigger guard - SA 1lb,14oz
This is the first 10 rounds i put through this pistol. Aprox. 7 yards, Two hand hold, Standing. For contrast i shot my tuned PCR rite after this, flinched a few times and genarally shot right about 3-4 inches. I still have not gotten the hang of the PCR, need more trigger time. The TS on the other hand was effortless. Due to my work schedule i did not have an opportunity to make it to the range for over a month before this range trip. For the previous 6 months i had the luxury of shooting about twice a week. To pick up the TS after a months break and shoot this target with the first 10 rounds was surprising and surely had something to do with the TS.
Trigger bar/trigger return spring. I noticed some mechanical differences while cleaning the TS. Internally the TS is a a bit different than the CZ75's and P-Series. I seams to be a bit of both. The TS has a unique single sided trigger bar that sits in a notch in the left side of the frame. Unlike the P series/Omega trigger bar that is located on the right side of the frame. The TS trigger bar is flatter than the Omega trigger bar and dose not shift and wrench against the side of the frame while the trigger is pulled. It resembles the two sided CZ75 trigger bar in manufacture, in contrast the Omega trigger bar looks like a stamped part. I am guessing as to the manufacturing process.
The trigger bar/trigger spring setup is also different. The trigger spring in the TS acts as a trigger return spring and a trigger bar spring. So the TS has no dedicated trigger bar spring like the original CZ75 or Omega trigger systems. The TS trigger return spring is also located where the trigger bar locks into the trigger rather than on the trigger pin like a CZ75. The sear cage of the TS is much like the sear cage of a CZ 75/SP-01 Shadow with no firing pin block.

TS Trigger The Stock TS trigger is made of rigid polymer and is similar in profile to the CZ75SA aluminum trigger. This threw me off at first because i assumed that it would flex like other poly triggers i have tried. While shooting the TS i noticed no trigger flex, i assume the 2lb trigger plays into this. Your just not pulling hard enough to cause the trigger to flex noticeably. The TS trigger comes with over-travel and pre-travel adjustment screws. Out of the box the reset was not great, but once i adjusted the set screws, things tighten up nicely. Like most adjusted SA triggers there is very little SA take-up or SA over-travel. I like this trigger and do not plan on changing it. I may tinker with it a bit, but only to gain a better understanding of the trigger/trigger bar spring interface.
TS Hammer The TS hammer is also unique as far as i have seen. The hammer hook is solid like the P-series hammer, otherwise the design is much like a classic CZ75 hammer. The hammer seams to be wide like a Shadow hammer. The hammer hooks are somewhere in between a stock CZ75 hammer and a Comp hammer hook height. I assume this could create some creep in the trigger pull but the stock hammer spring is quite heavy leading to a crisper break. There may be some room for improvement in the hammer, but i do not see my self picking up on a need for it any time soon. I will see how it wears in over time and how it reacts to different weight hammer springs.
The TS came with 3 extra slide stops. I did some research and it seams the slide stop can fail at around 6k rounds depending on the load. There is a recoil buffer listed in the parts break down. The TS 9mm dose not come with one. The 40cal TS dose ship with a buffer but from my reading it seams like they can cause feeding issues and some folks pull them out.
I like the CZ TS, it offers me more than i expected it would. I look forward to shooting it at longer ranges in the coming weeks and possibly working up some loads for it in time. Up to this point i do not get real creative with reloading, this pistol may give me more motivation to do so. This CZ is a beast and one of the cooler CZ's i have picked up.
Link to part two of this post: What is a CZ Tactical sport? Part.2 The CZ-TS Sear Cage (