Author Topic: Anyone thinking about a Sars K2P 9mm.?  (Read 12918 times)

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Offline geezer2

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Anyone thinking about a Sars K2P 9mm.?
« on: January 18, 2016, 04:02:28 PM »
Just ordered one of these at a very good price and verified they had them on hand. Spoke with Cody and he said they have plenty on hand. I believe the Sars B6P mags will interchange.

Offline legionofdoon

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Re: Anyone thinking about a Sars K2P 9mm.?
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2016, 05:01:56 PM »
Will it take the small frame Witness magazines and can the front sight be removed?

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Offline mountainrider

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Re: Anyone thinking about a Sars K2P 9mm.?
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2016, 08:06:30 PM »
I can only tell you that the mecgar CZ mags work and that I'm very fond of my K2P. I probably shoot it more than my CZ85 Combat. The SAR is my home defense gun because its dead nuts reliable and has a great trigger. If I lost this gun, I would replace it with the exact same model. I congratulate you on your purchase. They are one hell of a deal.
Although I once owned a couple, I don't really have a SIGnature.

Offline Gregory M.

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Re: Anyone thinking about a Sars K2P 9mm.?
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2016, 11:09:36 AM »
I am getting one this week. I love how it fits in my hands and the balance is great. Now to find a good place to get the Mec-Gar CZ75 magazines

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Offline Redrider1000

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Re: Anyone thinking about a Sars K2P 9mm.?
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2016, 01:45:36 PM »
I've had a couple of the K2P's and love them. I have a B6P compact as well. Also have just picked up a K2 45 and it's a steel framed piece, excellent as well. 
To get back on topic, the K2P is great in that it's a smooth shooter, great tolerances and nice high grip placement allows excellent control.
The difference between B6P and K2P is not tremendous - but as a user you may care like I do (being left handed).
  • The K2P has ambi safety where B6P doesn't.
  • The K2P also has a built in rail, and B6P doesn't.
  • The K2P has serrations on the slide at both front and back of slide.  While I only use the back ones, I've yet to find a downside to more grip on a slide, especially when the design is slightly lower profile from slide being inside the frame vs outside.
All this said, both K2P and B6P are nice shooters that feel really great in the hand.  Currently I've seen K2P through a couple retail blow out sites under $300, though I've also seen distributors raise cost on them almost $50 in the past 6 months, so anywhere around $300 is a good deal it seems.
Trigger feels nice, gun is reliable and you can use Outbags holster for CZ75b or find a similar Sig model that will accommodate.
Extra mags - either buy factory EAA mags for CZ75B or you can buy the MecGar 17rd mags that work well, aside from a couple I had which were a smidge tight when pressed all the way in - didn't click affirmatively.  I read somewhere that a small filing of the top of latch hole on mag worked well, tried it and yep, just that little relief was all it took.
As far as Witness mags, they're almost exactly the same, but NOT CLOSE ENOUGH.  They're too thick by maybe a 1/16th of an inch and while you can stressfully press one in the handle, I hope you lubed it to get it back out :)  Too tight and don't drop free like the CZ75B or MecGar mags do.  They're consstently available at about $25 ea if you search for them.
Also to note, Sarsmilaz is the only licensed clone of CZ - so they're doing a nice job making their pieces instead of being a second rate copycat.  That and the fact that they're the 2nd largest producer of sidearms for NATO tells you they're not novices at this.  Glad to have these coming more available.

Offline jwc007

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Re: Anyone thinking about a Sars K2P 9mm.?
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2016, 01:50:24 PM »
Congratulations on your new SAR K2P!  I've had one for quite awhile now and often carry it or use it as my "House Gun".
Mostly, I use the Mec-Gar Cz75B AFC 17 round Magazines with it.

Sarsilmaz/EAA SAR K2P 9mm with SAR 15 round Magazine, but also works great with Cz75B 17 and 19 round Magazines

SAR B6P Magazines will interchange, as well as frames and Slide Assemblies.

SAR B6P & K2P Slide/Barrel Exchange

Now to find a good place to get the Mec-Gar CZ75 magazines

I've gotten good prices and service from Greg Cote.

Also to note, Sarsmilaz is the only licensed clone of CZ - so they're doing a nice job making their pieces instead of being a second rate copycat.  That and the fact that they're the 2nd largest producer of sidearms for NATO tells you they're not novices at this.  Glad to have these coming more available.

Actually, the SAR B6P and SAR K2P are more Tanfoglio Clones. Not exact copies, but close.  The SAR K2P Slide design is more SigArms than Tanfoglio with it's barrel lockup.
Tanfoglio and Sarsilmaz had a partnership some years ago, with Tanfoglio getting the bad end of the deal, from what I have read.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 02:05:03 PM by jwc007 »
"Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by ego." - Yoda

For all of those killed by a 9mm: "Get up! You are not dead! You were shot with a useless cartridge!"

Offline geezer2

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Re: Anyone thinking about a Sars K2P 9mm.?
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2016, 03:59:01 PM »
Just picked up the new baby. Love the Sars. Mags are interchangeable between the B6P & K2P. And on a side note, both these have factory illuminescient sights. Quite bright after a good charge with a flashlight. I'm happy as a clam.

Offline legionofdoon

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Re: Anyone thinking about a Sars K2P 9mm.?
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2016, 07:16:15 PM »
So if I'm not mistaken,if it accepts the B6P magazines the tanfoglio PS 9 mags should fit as well.

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Offline Gregory M.

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Re: Anyone thinking about a Sars K2P 9mm.?
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2016, 05:08:27 PM »
I have had my SAR K2P for a few weeks now. I had to adjust the sight, it was hitting to the left and low. So far it has performed without any problems, no jamming or failure to feed. I did get a Mec-Gar 17 round magazine for it that I really like. So far I have truly enjoyed the SAR K2P and keep it right beside my recliner when I am home relaxing.

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Offline snakeye

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Re: Anyone thinking about a Sars K2P 9mm.?
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2016, 08:53:44 PM »
Congratulations on your new SAR K2P!  I've had one for quite awhile now and often carry it or use it as my "House Gun".
Mostly, I use the Mec-Gar Cz75B AFC 17 round Magazines with it.

Sarsilmaz/EAA SAR K2P 9mm with SAR 15 round Magazine, but also works great with Cz75B 17 and 19 round Magazines

SAR B6P Magazines will interchange, as well as frames and Slide Assemblies.

SAR B6P & K2P Slide/Barrel Exchange

Now to find a good place to get the Mec-Gar CZ75 magazines

I've gotten good prices and service from Greg Cote.

Also to note, Sarsmilaz is the only licensed clone of CZ - so they're doing a nice job making their pieces instead of being a second rate copycat.  That and the fact that they're the 2nd largest producer of sidearms for NATO tells you they're not novices at this.  Glad to have these coming more available.

Actually, the SAR B6P and SAR K2P are more Tanfoglio Clones. Not exact copies, but close.  The SAR K2P Slide design is more SigArms than Tanfoglio with it's barrel lockup.
Tanfoglio and Sarsilmaz had a partnership some years ago, with Tanfoglio getting the bad end of the deal, from what I have read.

Why are there differences in the dust covers between the two 9mm Sar K2Ps. The first picture look like the K2P I'm familiar with the K2P in the second picture is different

Offline jwc007

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Re: Anyone thinking about a Sars K2P 9mm.?
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2016, 09:40:38 PM »
Why are there differences in the dust covers between the two 9mm Sar K2Ps. The first picture look like the K2P I'm familiar with the K2P in the second picture is different

IF you will go back and read the post, you will find that the two Pistols had their Slide Assemblies exchanged to illustrate commonality of design and function.

THIS is what they normally look like.

EAA imported SAR B6P and K2P 9mm Pistols
"Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by ego." - Yoda

For all of those killed by a 9mm: "Get up! You are not dead! You were shot with a useless cartridge!"

Offline snakeye

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Re: Anyone thinking about a Sars K2P 9mm.?
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2016, 10:02:17 PM »

I did read that!  What threw me was both the B6P and K2P have the same length barrel, 3.8" just didn't think
there was that much difference in the length of the slides

Offline SlvrDragon50

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Re: Anyone thinking about a Sars K2P 9mm.?
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2016, 11:59:22 PM »
I can only tell you that the mecgar CZ mags work and that I'm very fond of my K2P. I probably shoot it more than my CZ85 Combat. The SAR is my home defense gun because its dead nuts reliable and has a great trigger. If I lost this gun, I would replace it with the exact same model. I congratulate you on your purchase. They are one hell of a deal.

How is recoil on the K2P compared to the CZ85 combat? I really like the idea of a steel framed gun since I'm only using it at the range, but it seems to be a steal at 280.

Offline AZ_CZ

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Re: Anyone thinking about a Sars K2P 9mm.?
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2016, 10:04:13 AM »
Couple of other little K2P notes:

You can chamber a round with the safety engaged. Not a CZ feature.

You can replace the hammer spring with a Wolfe reduced spring and get a really nice DA pull. The parts are listed under EAA.  (Have not done it yet but tried one out. It's on the to-do list.)

The Houge hand-all slip on grip fills out the palm swell area and created a nice control area.

I have not had an issue with any of my CZ mags. From 26 to 10, they all seem to work well. The early CZ factory follower does like to lock back the slide.

I have a addiction: I'm a mag-hoe. I take a picture of what-works-with-what so I only have to figure that out once.
CZ Fanbot since 1996

Offline Shadow_Siabot

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Re: Anyone thinking about a Sars K2P 9mm.?
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2016, 10:54:27 AM »
Same Here, the EAA SAR K2P has been my daily carry since I've purchased it. I've shot my 9mm reloads with 124g FMJ and 124g Critical Duty(Factory Load) without a problem. I purchased a Wolff Triple Hammer Spring Pack. (13,14,15). Most folks go with 14# to set off primers reliably. 13# from what I've researched will not set off some Steel Cased or Cheap ammo, so you will need a lower rate firing pin spring, Which Wolff doesn't offer. The trigger performs well with light CZ polishing, works very well right out of the case though.

If you decide to tackle the Hammer Spring you will need a Tiny Punch to get the safety off the Right side of the frame. It is a super small pin, I had to file down the smallest punch I had to get it to fit.

The grip angle is great, IPO Hogue grips I added Skateboard tape to the side panels. I've been practicing my Stippling and may do the side panels when I work up the nerve.

I purchased a Fobus SP-01 Holster on sale from the LGS, Needless to say it didn't fit(initially) However I filed and heated the plastic and reshaped it to fit perfectly. Has a audible Click when you insert it, and retains it very well.