Years after selling my SP01 I have finally rejoined the cz family with a brand new P07.
I made the mistake of buying a cdnn SAR b6pc which broke almost immediately (see my thread in the clone forum), and while that piece of dung is now repaired and running fine, a real CZ was in order.
I love the size and feel of it. It shot great, though the SAR shoots better (trigger and sights no doubt), but I was able to keep 7of 10 in one hole at 15ft. I dig the +2 bases for the mags also, I was hoping they would be included.
Cajunizing will commence almost immediately, tomorrow is payday. I was pretty sure a P09 or phantom would be in my future but honestly I think tuning this gun up will get me there performance wise. I've shot my range P09 a LOT, and the 7 is so close that I don't know if another $500 gun really makes sense when that money can get me a threaded barrel, new sights, and all the trigger parts I want.
Ill get some pics and a range review of it shortly. Not surprised and very happy with this shooter.