Just got my new
P-07 the other day, and took it to the range today with 100-rnds... and
WOW!First, been shooting CZs since the late 90's and own a 'bunch' of them... but this was my first
CZ 'poly'.
Honestly, not a big 'poly' guy (have a SIG
SP2022 and owned a
SPHINX Compact) but had read so many positive reviews on this pistola,
that I said
"What the heck, its a CZ"...
Without giving a total review (there are a bunch out there), all I can say is... This IS a great pistola, VERY accurate, fit-and-finish is VERY GOOD (not quite a SPHINX, but very good), trigger was alittle 'stiff' out-of-the-box, but after dry-firing w/ a snap for an hour and these 100-rnds, it feels really good.
My favorite CZ (and 'carry') is my
P-01, and its trigger was 'tough' NIB, but now after 1000-rnds, its VERY smooth!
I'm a decent shot (not a 'marksman' by any stretch) but after my first two mags at 10-yds... it was
If anyone is looking for a quality
'poly' pistol for UNDER $500,
this is it!... highly recommend!