Author Topic: Vz 58 receivers extinct?  (Read 9789 times)

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Offline Dr_Sick_MMA

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Vz 58 receivers extinct?
« on: April 28, 2016, 12:20:35 AM »
Are there no more vz 58 receivers to be had anywhere?

Offline vblue42

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Re: Vz 58 receivers extinct?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2016, 01:01:16 AM »
Not as regular stock.

Offline RSR

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Re: Vz 58 receivers extinct?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2016, 03:47:14 AM »
CNC Warrior should be making them again soon with all the parts kits out there.  Only other option is AWO/ORF... 

Rarely, you will see a bare Czech made receiver pop up on gunbroker...

Offline Dr_Sick_MMA

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Re: Vz 58 receivers extinct?
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2016, 11:11:28 AM »
Any of you gentlemen ever put a build together?  Is it possible without a press to get
The barrel into the new receiver?  Which US made receiver would you recommend
and why?

Offline RSR

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Re: Vz 58 receivers extinct?
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2016, 02:22:32 PM »
Haven't, but others have.  There are some threads on it here somewhere. 

ORF had a jig for barrel pressing that they either sell or loan. 

CNCW receiver, just b/c higher quality and also is made to allow use of the OE disassembly toggle lever rather than C clips.  My first odd weapon system was the Galil, and the significant divergence in quality between CNCW and ORF/AWO is extensively documented...  If you don't mind possibly having to re-heat treat, and a fair amount of hand fitting, ORF/AWO is probably serviceable for about 1/2 the price.  CNCW should be exact spec from the get-go.

Offline Flashpoint

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Re: Vz 58 receivers extinct?
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2016, 04:34:38 PM »
CNC Warrior should be making them again soon with all the parts kits out there.  Only other option is AWO/ORF... 

Rarely, you will see a bare Czech made receiver pop up on gunbroker...

CNC Warrior stated they are no longer making receivers for commercial sales and are only making them for their in-house built rifles. So don't expect CNC Warrior to have any VZ58 receivers for sale.

Offline jerryberry

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Re: Vz 58 receivers extinct?
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2016, 06:35:39 PM »
Hell Box Armory makes them, but they are for kits.

Offline JohnEd

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Re: Vz 58 receivers extinct?
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2016, 08:52:33 PM »
Any of you gentlemen ever put a build together?  Is it possible without a press to get
The barrel into the new receiver?  Which US made receiver would you recommend
and why?

I have built two Rapid Fire,Troy, Ohio Receivers(R).  I think that is the item commonly referred to as ORF (Ohio Rapid Fire).  Both Receivers had spots of "flashing" that was easily removed once I found it.  The opening in the top that forms the "top rail" for the Carrier(C) was not cut uniform and closed near the breach.  That flaw caused the R to capture the C near battery and hold the C/Bolt.  That was easily corrected with some careful filing that got me a custom fit C thyat rattled very little.  That may not be a problem but the B and C sliding silently into battery with a snick is rewarding to this "builder".

PRESSING THE BARRELS:  I talked to some old timey Gun Smiths and they said that in my case I could drive the barrel onto/into the R trunion if the interference fit between the barrel and R was very accurate.  .0005 thou was quoted as the min needed and that that would drive on easily and securely.  One of my R's was one thou smaller than the other and had I not caught that I would have needed a hyd press but I had the use of a lathe so matching the barrels to the R was not difficult.  It is not recommended but I used a "GO GAUGE", inserted in the barrel, as the stop when driving on the barrel.  The "jig" that ORF sells is worthless except for driving/pressing the barrel back off.  I installed three Green Mountain 16 1/2 inch barrels that are the equal of the Canadian 2008 VZ 58......I think. 

To pin the barrel you must drill through the R in spots marked out on the casting.  Both of my ORF R's were hard as diamonds.... just like my D Tech R.  You need special hard bits to even scratch the R.  After drilling the hole for the barrel pin undersized, you must use a reamer to get an exactly round hole to fix the barrel securely.  The reamer I first bought was not of the exotic hard variety and it was chewed by the edges of the R where it went thru.  The barrels are correct, for barrels, soft steel that works beautifully.  But a reamer that is floating at both ends doesn't get the job done.  COBALT BITS are needed.   HSS and TIN just do not work.  And any threading or reaming need COBALT as well.  None of this is terribly expensive and you better have a decent drill press.  Collecting it all is a serious pain and I have a Tool shop down the street that gives me a decent price discount.

I built two kits and replaced the barrel in my CZ vz 58.  I have never done anything like this and it was a learning and enjoyable experience.  You need to determine just how much fun you can tolerate before jumping in but it certainly is doable by the average guy.

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Re: Vz 58 receivers extinct?
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2016, 01:03:52 AM »
Flashpoint -- have you spoken w/ them recently?  That's really disappointing if so.  Happy to give Denny a call if it might help them to reconsider...

Just looked at Hellbox -- it's effectively an AK build w/ VZ58 parts -- a milled and stamped receiver combo.  IMO, disappointing to say the least. 

Offline czgunner

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Re: Vz 58 receivers extinct?
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2016, 01:04:38 AM »
I'd sure like to get ahold of a cncw receiver!
Disabled combat veteran

Offline Flashpoint

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Re: Vz 58 receivers extinct?
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2016, 02:58:44 PM »
Flashpoint -- have you spoken w/ them recently?  That's really disappointing if so.  Happy to give Denny a call if it might help them to reconsider...

Just looked at Hellbox -- it's effectively an AK build w/ VZ58 parts -- a milled and stamped receiver combo.  IMO, disappointing to say the least.

There was a big thread on The AK Files regarding this. CNC Warrior is a vendor there and stated that they weren't making anymore bare receivers for sale. They said there wasn't enough profit in the receivers for them to continue making them for individual sale. I'll try and find the thread.

Offline Flashpoint

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Re: Vz 58 receivers extinct?
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2016, 10:28:18 PM »

Here's the thread where CNC Warrior is saying they are discontinuing receivers. It starts on post 165

Offline maswell

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Re: Vz 58 receivers extinct?
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2016, 06:42:23 PM »
Ugh, Looking for one as well.  Put the project on hold -- I'm especially feeling screwed because my barrel seems to be .825, and ORF is only making .826 receivers at the moment.

Offline RSR

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Re: Vz 58 receivers extinct?
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2016, 12:50:04 AM »
A couple posts of note:

Originally Posted by Andys051 View Post
Tyler you still gonna be selling small ak parts after the change up?
Yes sir! We just won't have mill time for reproduction receivers. However, we are currently purchasing more mills so perhaps in the future we will come back to it.

Originally Posted by Comrades In Arms LLC View Post
I broke the bank yesterday and ordered 2. I didn't realize that this was your last run....debating getting a few more in the event I find a Type 2 in the future. Will you be offering any dealer pricing?
I spoke to the boss and we will not be able to offer dealer pricing on this run considering we will probably be out by the end of the week. However, he did say that if you and maybe some of your colleagues wanted to go in on a group buy around the quantity of 50 receivers we could make it happen in the near future.

To clarify, Denny is the "the boss." 

Typically in the Galil group buys I've previously done, they require a certain # of commitments (usually 25) to run the production, and the commitments require a nonrefundable deposit of 20-25% full retail price (group buys typically get a 10-15% discount...). 

I get their hesitancy on receivers as they do take a lot of machining, and w/ small margins, they don't want to sit on specialized inventory for months...  However, in that thread talking about making firearms, I don't get it...  Currently, the firearms industry has a glut of inventory despite a bunch of folks buying to beat the BATF fingerprinting and concerns about the next president.  With gas prices so cheap, the pain will eventually come home to the US (though typically we are hit last and exiting first from global economic recessions).  But when hit, it's swift and deep. 
Point here, is that receivers while perhaps low volume is steady and consistent business as folks building out parts kits (far, far more parts kits than receivers out there) are committed but often do so incrementally vs haphazardly, whereas the accessory and firearms business is much more cold and hot.  And if CNCW doesn't want to sit on $500 receiver inventory, why in the world would they want to sit on $1500+ custom firearm inventory -- no doubt anything they build will have good basics and the builders they use are typically very good as well, but premium products aren't really a game of margins/profitability when you have so many other high end import conversions currently available.  Maybe they see something I don't, but I really doubt they'll ever entirely exit the bare receiver...
They're the best, folks are willing to pay what they ask, and the relative rarity of their receivers means folks will pay a premium whereas they may not for say an Arsenal vs CNCW milled AK, or an IMI Galil vs a CNCW one...

Offline RSR

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Re: Vz 58 receivers extinct?
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2016, 12:51:01 AM »
*If we want VZ58 CNCW receivers, the first step is to start organizing a group buy!