I have owned a CZ 75B SA for several years and it is a stunningly accurate pistol that fits my hand better than any other gun I've handled. After installing a CGW trigger kit, I couldn't be more happy with the way that gun shoots.
So naturally, I've been eyeing a 97B, and today I finally found a brand new one.
I have not shot the gun yet, hoping to get a chance to do that tomorrow. I will report back after the range trip.
My initial impression is somewhat unenthusiastic. The finish looks very cheap, I could do a better job with a rattle can. I knew what to expect from my 75B, but this looks even cheaper and more uneven. The grip seems unnecessary large front to back, and I have big hands (XXL glove size). Overall, the 75B feels much better.
The trigger in this 97 is actually a bit better that the one in the 75 was (it was atrocious). So while this is a nice surprise, it is by no mean what I would call a "great" trigger. Again, I knew and expected this.
The inside of the barrel looks perfect. I mean, mirror smooth perfect. So this gives me hope that the gun just might shoot as well as you guys claim on here. We'll see.
So if it is indeed a shooter, I will change everything about it I don't like. I went into this with that in mind, so I'm not having buyer's remorse (yet). I'll give it the CGW treatment and get it refinished in a proper gun finish. I'll get used to the grip.
Why oh why couldn't they just copy the ergonomics of the 75B, which is perfection? And make it look better built than a Hi-Point while they're at it. Charge me a few hundred bucks more, I don't care.
So there you have it. Mixture of Happy New Gun Day and slight disgust. More tomorrow.