I have some very preliminary results from testing loads for CZ-97B.
First, the Hornady custom grade bullet seating die with integrated taper crimp didn't work well for crimping and i have gotten separate Lee taper crimp. After some internal polishing of tapered part of the Lee die it works better. Crimping to 0.470-0.471" for passing the "plunk" test.
Anvil on the Hornady bullet seating die was close for LSWC bullet profile, but still touching the bottom of the bullet cone. I have modified it using small lathe to seat on the shoulder and opened up cone part now is helping guide the bullet straight, but not applying the pressure. Tested with different seating depth 1.230, 1.235, 1.240, 1.245, 1.250" all feed and functioned fine, so I settle on 1.24" COAL for this bullet. Missouri Bullet 200gr (Bullseye #1) LSWC is my first testing/practice round. I also have a test batch of MB 185gr (Bullseye #2) and Zero swagged bullets coming.
Only tried so far HP-38 powder 5.0gr. Accuracy is on par with factory S&B 230 gr FMJ. 5-6" at 50m. One group was ~3", but i will test it more. Velocity with 5.0gr of powder was 860-890fps and didn't change much with different seating depth. Slide functioned well with all original springs and Burris RDS mounted. Recoil is slightly softer than with factory 230gr, but comparable.
My next test batch prepared with COAL 1.240" and again with powder HP-38 from 4.6gr to 5.0gr with 0.1 increments. Previous attempt to load with those charges didn't produce conclusive results.
Should i try some lower or hotter charges? Manuals said that with this bullet charge up to 5.6gr (and some refer to 6.0gr) is still safe. I don't want to make it hotter than necessary for accuracy. I don't need to meet a PF. I only need the bullet to make it to the center of 50yard target and not bouncing off the paper or sticking in the cardboard backing.