OP -- as mdi and meataxe both note if you get to the substance of their posts, the 7.62x39 and 5.56/.223 weapons excel in different ways.
Want to sit on a bench at the range and shoot for accuracy -- an AR in 5.56 wins, especially if you opt for a premium barrel and a free float forend.
Want minimal cleaning, then go w/ a piston gun over a DI AR -- your pic on weapon platform. Might have mentioned earlier but some Russian "non-corrosive" stuff has in the past proved to be mildly corrosive, so there is a risk w/ that cost savings.
Want a minute of man carbine for cheap training -- 7.62x39 weapons are sufficient there and typically less prone to malfunctions than ARs, especially if using cheap steel cased russian ammo (if you load 2-3 brass rounds in with steel case 5.56 mags, you can generally avoid issues with steel that way -- brass round and then 9-14 rounds of steel, another brass, etc). Issue with steel is that they don't seal against chamber walls as well, so with straight walled 5.56 powder and other fouling adheres to the case wall eventually leading to extraction issues. Brass expands more, so when expanding, that fouling adheres to the case and effectively cleans your chamber... Running 5 mags of steel and then one of brass, you should anticipate a failure to extract.
Want barrier penetration or a hog rifle or a deer rifle, 7.62x39.
Want a varmint rifle to protect livestock from common predators, 5.56.
Want the least amount of recoil, 5.56.
Want a common us made round, 5.56.
Want good self defense ammo -- both 7.62x39 and 5.56 is available and US made, but starts at 50 cents or so per round, or 2-3x what range ammo runs.
There's more here, but this should deliver the point.
IMO, the VZ58 was 50 years ahead of its time and remains and excellent weapon. It also sits fairly squarely in the middle of the AR vs AK debate (accuracy, reliability, etc) as well as caliber-wise somewhat in the middle of the 5.56 vs .308 debate.
Write your needs down on a piece of paper or spreadsheet. Prioritize those needs. Evaluate each point objectively. And decide accordingly... Many don't like having to be constrained to this process, so we end up buying add'l firearms -- perhaps more than we actually need?.