Author Topic: Geco 7.62x39 brass case for $0.35-0.40 per round, shipped.  (Read 3669 times)

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Offline TJNewton

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Geco 7.62x39 brass case for $0.35-0.40 per round, shipped.
« on: July 29, 2016, 01:14:42 AM »
SGAmmo has the Geco non-magnetic brass case 7.62x39.  For me, it was about 35 cents, shipped, for a case.  Previously, I've never seen it for cheaper than 50 cents a round.  I've never shot their 7.62x39, but have shot plenty of their 9mm and .357 Magnum.  The 9mm all shot fine, as did the .357, although they were a bit more difficult to extract from the cylinder than other brands.  From my experiences and other reports, this is quality stuff.

There must be an influx of this 7.62x39 ammo as other vendors have it as well, but more along 40 cents per round, which is still not a bad deal.  I hesitated, thinking that if there is a flood of it coming I may be able to get it cheaper later, but I completed the order as sometimes these opportunities are fleeting and unrepeated.

Offline copemech

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Re: Geco 7.62x39 brass case for $0.35-0.40 per round, shipped.
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2016, 01:33:32 AM »
New Federal 223 55gr is $37 per 100 at wally world here. I like buying Merican! Just throwing that in.

I guess if you are reloading, the brass is worth it, but my old SKS just runs on Wolf and stuff. and not that often.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2016, 01:39:59 AM by copemech »

Offline TJNewton

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Re: Geco 7.62x39 brass case for $0.35-0.40 per round, shipped.
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2016, 01:43:01 AM »
New Federal 223 55gr is $37 per 100 at wally world here. I like buying Merican!

Umm... 7.62x39 and 223 are completely different.  Not sure if you were aware of that. 

If you're buying the Federal 223 just for plinking, you can do much better than 37 cents around.  If you look around you should be able to find 223/556 FMJ for about 31-33 cents a round, shipped.

Offline Wobbly

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Re: Geco 7.62x39 brass case for $0.35-0.40 per round, shipped.
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2016, 12:51:06 AM »
Umm... 7.62x39 and 223 are completely different.  Not sure if you were aware of that. 

Sorry, grand dad is a little hard of hearing. Just play along with him.

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Offline copemech

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Re: Geco 7.62x39 brass case for $0.35-0.40 per round, shipped.
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2016, 01:27:55 AM »
Yes, I know what it is, thanks!

I'll stick with the cheap steel cased stuff for the SKS, and if I need to go big, I mostly go 7.62x51. I can reload them for close to the same.

Offline TJNewton

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Re: Geco 7.62x39 brass case for $0.35-0.40 per round, shipped.
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2016, 12:27:23 AM »
Yes, I know what it is, thanks!

I'll stick with the cheap steel cased stuff for the SKS, and if I need to go big, I mostly go 7.62x51. I can reload them for close to the same.

Then why even bring up Fed 223?  Increase post count?  Practice typing skills?

I also use the steel case for the SKS/VZ2008 as that's what they were designed for, it's what is the cheapest, and works without any problems.  This Geco is going into storage for future trips to ranges that don't allow bimetal bullets or even steel cases despite the bullet composition.  Previously, this stuff was the most economical for that purpose at 50 cents a round -- at time of this thread it was 35 cents a round, shipped.  SGammo is now out of stock, but the same stuff can be found from other vendors for 37-40 cents a round, shipped.  Still a good deal.

Offline ncgoober

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Re: Geco 7.62x39 brass case for $0.35-0.40 per round, shipped.
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2016, 08:12:02 AM »
Anybody know how bad the brass gets beat up in a WASR?

My Vepr 54R puts a really bad crimp if I ever put brass through it.

Offline wanderson

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Re: Geco 7.62x39 brass case for $0.35-0.40 per round, shipped.
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2016, 02:51:07 PM »
I recently picked up some Geco ammo in a few other calibers after reading a lot of positive reviews and if the 7.62x39 is loaded as well, this may beat Privi as the best deal in copper case 7.62x39. I still run thru more steel case 7.62x39 than brass but nice to have some on hand for the indoor ranges that frown on steel case, and my M67 Yugo won't last forever.