Author Topic: T100 Odd problem need help Diagnosing  (Read 2656 times)

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Offline Boriqua

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T100 Odd problem need help Diagnosing
« on: August 12, 2016, 03:04:49 PM »
got out to the range to check the gun after the spring kit install and fired about 150 rds which included Perfecta, federal and a few Gold Dot 124 JHP and ignition was perfect each time so Success there.

Last time I was out I had the slide lock back with 2 rounds left in the mag. It happened on two occasions. I have been getting some weird rds in my boxes of WWB ... cases longer than others or not crimped. Been getting about 1 freak per 100 box on my last 3 boxes so I thought I would try the federal this time. I didnt mark the mags before my first outing which was something I usually do but was to excited to go out and play so I cant swear its the same mag but it happened again today 2 times. This time it was the same mag that did it both times because I have since marked them. It was near the end of the range visit.
So ...?? Could limp wristing cause it. It happened the first time today when my wife shot it then I ran through a mag fine and then it happened to me on the following run. Without sounding immodest I am a fair pistolero and have shot just about every caliber out there. I have never had a problem with limp wristing but the light frame and the end of 150 rds ... hey maybe?? I shoot about twice a month for many years and have never seen this particular problem ... usually a mag works or it doesnt but I never seen one that locks the slide back 4 times with exactly 2 rds left.

Now usually when I get new mags I load them up and let them sit in my drawer fully loaded for a few days before I take them out ... could be craziness but that is what I do. I didnt do that with either of these and when at the range I usually just load up 6 rds at a time. The problem seems to appear only when I loaded the mags all the way up which I like to do with new mags a couple of times to see if there will be problems since I will carry with them full but like i said except for the fails I was only loading up 6 rds at a time. Any ideas?? This is a new one on me.

Offline MikeLW

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Re: T100 Odd problem need help Diagnosing
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2016, 11:57:58 AM »
I ran a few tests with mine in the house, not at the range. While dumping my mag to get down to "2", when I got down to "4", that round wanted to slide forward a bit when I dumped "5". I slid it out to the max ( and still clear the feed ramp ). When inserting the mag with the extended round, ( slide locked back for viewing ) I noticed how close the round is to actually tripping the slide lock up.

I used Blazer FMJ Round Nose ( very close to a WWB ). I could see how the T100 might not like certain ammo. I put a lot of WWB through my C100. I think we ran a lot of WWB through the T100 but I'm not 100% sure.

I would Sharpie color the FMJ on #2 round a few times. If it locks open, you can inspect the round for a tattle tale mark.

Offline Boriqua

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Re: T100 Odd problem need help Diagnosing
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2016, 05:08:21 PM »
Thanks mike .. I will take it out next week and do as you suggest and confirm that it is the one mag and not happening with both. So I am thinking with your observations that this would be less possible with most HP rounds then.

Offline Boriqua

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Re: T100 Odd problem need help Diagnosing
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2016, 08:27:11 PM »
a few more clues and questions...

It has about 150-200 rds through it. On its first outing it was fine except that it locked open with 2 rounds left in the mag on one occasion. My wife was using it and I chalked it up to her getting her thumb up on the slide stop. On the second outing it happened again once out of say 15 mag loads. I dont usually load them all the way up but put in 6 rds when we go to the range. This time I took the gun and it happened when I shot it as well. Today it happened several times again on the last 1 or two rounds. I thought again it must be my wife and instructed her to grip the gun left thumb over right to make sure she wasn't hitting the slide stop but it continued. I shot it as well and it happened three more times during our outing. Its not jamming .. the bullet is not getting stuck on the ramp, its just locking back like its on an empty mag.
I'm pretty handy and have done more than a few hours taking apart various guns but I am not even sure where to start looking on this one. Any pointers would be appreciated.

Other possible relevant information .. I took it out today dirty. I usually clean my guns after every range visit but didnt after the last time but I only put about 50 rds through it last time.

It happened using WWB, Perfecta and Federal 115 gr FMJ

I am thinking now it may just be a break in issue. If I take my CZ or my XD and you push up on the slide stop it snaps right back down. SNAPS being the key word. When you push up on the Canik it kind of oozes down like its in heavy syrup.  Now if I take the slide off and just put in the slide stop .. push up, snaps down... add the slide and  ... it slows the action down considerably but so much more with the hammer down than with the hammer cocked. The slide slows down the action either way but much more hammer down. I guess its the pressure the hammer is putting on the slide.

Im trying to figure out why the hammer down position would slow the slide stop action?? As it is though the gun has that poly finish which is fairly thick and everywhere including the pin. I think with more shooting it just need to wear in at the pivot point. However if anyone can tell me how the hammer down could influence the action of the slide stop I would like to add it to my knowledge base. Its a new gun so I dont think it needs a new slide stop spring.

Offline Boriqua

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Re: T100 Odd problem need help Diagnosing
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2016, 02:57:30 PM »
Well I finally went ahead and contacted Tristar. Gave them a good description of the problem. Took them about a week to respond to my email but when they did they said they spoke to their Smith and he suggested a new slide stop. They had it in my mailbox just a couple of days later.

Took the gun out this weekend and the wife put 100 rounds through the gun and Zero problems! Happy with the gun and I am happy with their customer service.

Offline Rmach

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Re: T100 Odd problem need help Diagnosing
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2016, 04:07:28 PM »
Well I finally went ahead and contacted Tristar. Gave them a good description of the problem. Took them about a week to respond to my email but when they did they said they spoke to their Smith and he suggested a new slide stop. They had it in my mailbox just a couple of days later.

Took the gun out this weekend and the wife put 100 rounds through the gun and Zero problems! Happy with the gun and I am happy with their customer service.

Good to hear, and thanks for the update.

Offline BannorXL

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Re: T100 Odd problem need help Diagnosing
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2016, 12:27:12 PM »
Did you buy the stop or did they send it out for free? I had the same issues w my C-100. Tried 4 different mags. Asked them about and they said they had never heard of that. I gave up and just sent it back yesterday for a warranty repair.

Offline Boriqua

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Re: T100 Odd problem need help Diagnosing
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2016, 12:32:22 PM »
Did you buy the stop or did they send it out for free? I had the same issues w my C-100. Tried 4 different mags. Asked them about and they said they had never heard of that. I gave up and just sent it back yesterday for a warranty repair.

They sent it for free Priority mail. I really didnt expect them to send it priority. I also confirmed it wasnt a mag issue.

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Re: T100 Odd problem need help Diagnosing
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2016, 12:44:52 PM »
Well, nice for you, sucks for me. I hate sending guns in. You always worry what condition it will come back in - not to mention how long it will take.  I flat out asked them send me a stop and they wanted abut $30 plus shipping.  Glad to hear your pistol is working for you now.

Offline Boriqua

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Re: T100 Odd problem need help Diagnosing
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2016, 10:11:55 AM »
be sure to come back when they have diagnosed the issue. I was betting on weak slide stop spring. It doesnt have more than 200 rds through it so I thought it would be just a bad slidestop spring from the factory but the new slide stop did seem to cure it. Interested to hear what they come back with on yours.

Offline BannorXL

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Re: T100 Odd problem need help Diagnosing
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2016, 11:47:28 PM »
They "adjusted" the slide but gave no details and replaced my mag springs. Got it back, fired three rounds and it happened again.  They are shipping me a new slide stop now.  Hope it works.

Offline Boriqua

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Re: T100 Odd problem need help Diagnosing
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2016, 11:21:13 AM »
They "adjusted" the slide but gave no details and replaced my mag springs. Got it back, fired three rounds and it happened again.  They are shipping me a new slide stop now.  Hope it works.

wow you got it back fast but .. bummer its still not working. I have been messing with guns a long time and dont quite know what "adjusting the slide" could possibly be!? hopefully the slide stop will cure your ills.

If that doesn't fix it I would definitely look at the slide stop spring. I wonder if one from CZ will fit just in case it was just a bad spring.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 05:10:22 PM by Boriqua »