I ran a few tests with mine in the house, not at the range. While dumping my mag to get down to "2", when I got down to "4", that round wanted to slide forward a bit when I dumped "5". I slid it out to the max ( and still clear the feed ramp ). When inserting the mag with the extended round, ( slide locked back for viewing ) I noticed how close the round is to actually tripping the slide lock up.
I used Blazer FMJ Round Nose ( very close to a WWB ). I could see how the T100 might not like certain ammo. I put a lot of WWB through my C100. I think we ran a lot of WWB through the T100 but I'm not 100% sure.
I would Sharpie color the FMJ on #2 round a few times. If it locks open, you can inspect the round for a tattle tale mark.