I purchased the Spring Kit and Lightened Trigger Spring (For SPHNIX) from Cajun : I installed all 5 Springs . Plus polished the de-cocker and trigger bar support spring: Plus added the Novak Rear sight and ZRTS FO Front sight .
A few tricks I learned : All and I mean ALL pins come out driving the right to left . They go back in left to right . Following that direction makes the job much easier : I also followed this direction with the removal of the rear sight. Mine came out very easy : The Front sight , once loosened fell out. The Novak rear was loose as was the ZRT Front. SO I put just a really small amount of lock tight 620 in the center of both Front and rear dovetails: Seems to be staying put :
When replacing the springs in the slide, the firing pin retainer pin is a pain to say the least . I left it out and used a roll pin made by cajun when I put it back together:
I used a Lightened Trigger ReturnSpring made by Cajun . This made a big difference : I re-leaved the decocker support spring slightly: Be careful not to break it. I took mine right out and polished it up with 400 and then 1500 paper: Seems to have helped the DA hitch : I actually think this helped more then polishing the De-cocker/Trigger bar : Mine was pretty smooth cut to begin with:
The other 2 springs, Hammer Spring (easy) , Lifter Spring is tricky but only due to how small it is : If you can do a CZ 75 You can tackle the SPHNIX.
Last : BUY A PRESTO BLUE PEN : Makes scratches that may occur disappear: AND GET THE LIGHTENED TRIGGER RETURN SPRING: IMO it should be part of their Sphnix Spring kit but isn't: I ran across it totally by accident : It's not listed under SPHNIX parts :
All done my DA pull weight is digitally 6.588 and my SA is right at 3.61. SO far with 400 rounds no FTF or feed.
Cajun quit doing work on the Sphnix : My guess would be the Firing Pin retaining Pin is the toughest I've ever encountered: Plus you beat up the one side pretty bad. It's unavoidable if you want to get it out : I made a router cut in a piece of 2x4 and drilled a hole for the pin to fall in. Even using a construction hammer , I had to support the board on my garage floor and give it some mighty wacks . The pin is slightly bigger on the left side : SO you have to go R to L . Here's where I'm sure Cajun lost to much time to make money :
I did get lucky as Kriss was kind enough to send me a replacement pin. It took 2 Phone calls and sweet talking the woman who answered the phone. Normally they won't sell you replacement parts: They want you to send the gun to them. I am saving the pin to put back in maybe: As mentioned the Roll pin Cajun suggested works and is far easier to install and remove: You just need the right punches: