Here is some info from CGW web page...
"When installing any high performance hammer in a CZ, the sears angle is changed, which alters the way the manual safety works:
1) Hammer down manual safety can be applied ?up?
2) Hammer at half-cock manual safety can be applied ?up?
3) Hammer at full cock, manual safety can be applied ?up?, but trigger pull w/n drop the hammer
Please note this deviates from the way the OEM parts work. DO NOT cycle the action in DA with the hammer down and the manual safety in the ?up? position. The manual safety was never designed to be applied ?up? with the hammer down, whether using OEM parts or CGW parts. The manual safety is only designed to be used with the hammer at full cock. If 1, 2, & 3 listed above are unacceptable, then do not purchase this hammer kit."