Hey guys, I have a PO 7 Gen 2 , change the hammer spring ,firing pin spring ,and polish The Living Daylights out of the inside now it's like buttered butter, it is my EDC and I like it a lot.
I've been looking at the P 01
I love the shape and look of it and the reviews are fantastic, what a history..the 75 p01 is near identical except for the Omega trigger, ? haven't put one in my hand yet but for some reason I'm dying to buy one because my thinking is if it's that reliable for all those government agencies that accept the testing it went through, it's got to be fantastic. I know both pistols are the same size as the P 07
If you had a choice between right in front of you ,
a 75 P-01 or an omega P01,
old vs new which one would you choose and why ? I'm looking for an answer from those who have both or have shot both and have an experienced opinion.