I'm a "new-guy" to this forum and to CZ pistols in general. I recognize that this question is rather ham-handed, but I hope you will indulge me anyway.
I've bought and shot several dozen handguns in my life, but I realized early on that I was most comfortable with Sig P229's. They seem to fit my hand best, and I shoot them quite naturally.
On the advice of many, I've decided to get a CZ to try out at the range. Oddly, I've never tried a CZ in my life. Because I always end up going back to my P229's, I'd like to get a CZ that is most like it in size, feel etc.
I could (and have) compared dimensions from their websites, but I'd like to hear from experts who have experience handling them. In your opinions, what CZ is most like the Sig P229 in size. It must be in 9mm. I prefer metal guns, but I'm not adverse to getting a polymer.
Thanking you all in advance for tolerating my odd first post.