Author Topic: Have I become that crotchety old guy?  (Read 3799 times)

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Offline newtoczs

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Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« on: December 20, 2016, 02:01:03 AM »
Sorry this is a bit long winded, but I just want to give all the details before you answer if I'm now the crotchety old guy.

So, about an hr ago see this truck pull into my driveway then pull out and park in front of my house (I live in a nice sub parking on the street is pretty rare).  It's an older model pickup that seems out of place and It pulls up directly in front of my house and turns off its lights, after sitting in my driveway long enough to catch my attention. So, I go upstairs and grab my flashlight to see what's happening; when people park like that in front of my house, I always go outside for a few just to see what's going on. When I got upstairs I looked out the window and the truck had pulled to the other side of the road with its lights off and running.  By the time i got back downstairs, the truck was gone.

 Here's where it gets interesting...

 I walk out on my front porch and there are two people dressed in all black standing by my neighbor's garage door. (The neighbors are on a cruise, btw.  And being the neighborhood socialites they are, they have been broadcasting the details of their vacation all over Facebook.  A huge no-no in my book) I shine the two people who are dressed in black from head to toe, both with hoods up, with my extremely bright flashlight and they both freeze.  I ask them what exactly are they doing... no answer. They start to walk towards me, neither of them have said a word at this point, my non flashlight holding hand  hand moves towards my belt line. I (in my scary beard guy voice) tell them that is far enough, as they're about to come up my driveway.   I lectured them, in scary beard guy voice, that they weren't making good life choices. They said they were going to ding dong ditch and I asked why the hell were they on the side of the godd**m house (now in even scarier beard guy voice).  I then asked if they were going to f*** with my house. They both now said no sir. I told them good because that would be a really bad f***ng decision.  Then made them walk home.

I called the police afterwards because it didn't seem right. Why did the truck drop them off and leave?  Why ding dong ditch the house with no cars in the driveway, at 11:00 pm?  Why were they at the garage door to ring a doorbell that isn't there?

They were both younger males and I remember all of the stupid stuff I did when I was 17ish. 

So my question to you is, was it wrong to call the cops on them?  Have I become the old guy that yells, "get off my yard", at passing neighborhood kids (I'm only 34)?  Or, are you like me and figure that if they were only messing around, they would likely just get a stern talking to. But, if they were breaking into cars and houses, it might save someone's life.

Lastly, I only called the non-emergency dispatch line. Didn't think it warranted a 911 call.

How would you have handled it?

Offline milq

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2016, 02:23:04 AM »
I'd say that they were up to no good based on everything you described. I never understand why people broadcast their movements on social media, it's stupid.
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Offline newtoczs

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2016, 02:27:39 AM »
I'd say that they were up to no good based on everything you described. I never understand why people broadcast their movements on social media, it's stupid.

Completely agree. Putting that stuff out there on social media is an open invite to burglars.  It's Christmas time, they know the house will have gifts inside.  If they wanted to put pics of the vaca up, just do it when you get home.

Offline FireMoose

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2016, 03:58:56 AM »
I think you did well. Based on what you wrote they could only be up to no good.

The truck might drop em off to keep attention away by not having this truck outside the house, then return after a lap around a few blocks.

Hopefully they will see this as being an attentive neighborhood.

Offline czfan12

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2016, 06:29:34 AM »
No, you aren't the crotchety old guy.  And you were definitely right to take action, it's highly unlikely (IMO) that their intentions were as benign as they claimed.  Many people don't realize that their garage door isn't secure if they have an opener (who doesn't) and they haven't taken steps to secure it.

I will say, however, that given the situation, you may have wanted to call 911 first and then continue to observe.  Since you know your neighbors are away, there was likely no immediate danger to anyone's life.  You did put yourself at risk, especially since the truck (and anyone in it) was unaccounted for.  If they had been armed and jumpy, their first reaction to the light could have been to shoot at it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for taking action in situations like this - I appreciate a neighbor who is willing to get involved as opposed to taking the "well, at least it's not my house" approach.  If you didn't know the house was empty, then prompt intervention (still after a call to 911) would be in order.

Also, I'd suggest you definitely let your neighbors know that broadcasting their vacation plans on social media is a bad idea that just invites unwanted attention.

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2016, 07:24:05 AM »
When I go out the door with a light in one hand the CZ P09 (.40 S&W) is in the other hand with a spare mag. in the pocket.  I do stay in my yard/front porch/back porch.

The dogs (new one is part german shepherd and very protective of the house/property/area and firmly believes it's his job to let me know if anyone or anything is near that he thinks I need to be aware of) let me know if I need to take a look outside.

I also use a very bright handheld light.  A 650 lumen light.  Sort of ruins the night vision of anything I shine it directly on.

Don't we all get a little "crotchety" in our old age?  We don't like to be disturbed.  We don't like for people to try to do something to us, or around us, that they shouldn't be doing.  We've used up our patience for stupid stuff while we were raising our kids and working to make a living.  Once we retire, or get near to retirement, we just don't want to be bothered by unnecessary stuff.

Truth be told, I've gone out the back door more than once with the SIG 556R or the AR15 carbine (both with similar high intensity lights on them) but it's harder to put a spare mag. in your pants pocket for those.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline Earl Keese

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2016, 07:33:01 AM »
I'm not leaving my house to confront anybody. That's what police are for, and I would have called them when those guys got out of the truck. I seriously doubt the ding dong ditch story. If they were on my porch, very different story. Good chance they moved on to burglarize another house.

Offline jameslovesjammie

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2016, 09:03:53 AM »
Hmm...the Beard is strong with this one...

I'd say ya done good.

Offline Danjoe

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2016, 12:59:01 PM »
What's wrong with being a crotchety old guy?

But honestly I think you did fine, I certainly did my fair share of dumb stuff, but nothing quite that dumb.

Offline newtoczs

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2016, 01:01:04 PM »
Glad to see from the responses that I wasn't out of line.  It's very important to note that I had a Urban Grey P01 carried appendix.  My hand never left the firearm throughout the ordeal. Also,  I had the advantage of surprise (I move pretty quietly for 6'0" 215). If either had attempted to draw, you would be reading this on a different news outlet.

My other takeaway from this was having the enough situational awareness to: 1. keep myself between the entry to my house and them. 2. Maintain distance.   

Glad to see that I wasn't overreacting. 

Offline newtoczs

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2016, 01:05:30 PM »
What's wrong with being a crotchety old guy?

But honestly I think you did fine, I certainly did my fair share of dumb stuff, but nothing quite that dumb.

Man, I know I did too... but young people need to realize that these are different times.  Being on someone else's property, that late at night, dressed in all black is a good way to get killed.  They're lucky it wasn't my wife... she would have used the flashlight attached to her FN, lol.

Offline Tenbones

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2016, 02:35:39 PM »
Sounds to me like you were just being a good, concerned neighbor.  My question to you though is, What took you so long to call the police?

Offline srREXed

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2016, 02:52:59 PM »
I'm 33 and report to noises and bumps in the night in my neighborhood. Recently they hired an armed security firm to give us one guy every night now so I stopped patrolling every few hours at night some time a few months ago. I don't sleep. I've caught 2 guys escaping out the back of a robbery victims house three houses down from mine, and they were trying to hop yards, but couldn't get up that higher 6" wooden fence and I was able to keep them in place until the police arrived. They didn't have guns so it all worked out fairly well. A 600lumen weapon mounted light will stop anyone in their tracks at 2am though. I don't think you're crotchety, just a bit more proactive than the sheep of our modern culture in the us

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Wife: Is it broken?
Me: No.
Wife: Then why does it need to be fixed?
Me: I knew you wouldn't understand.
Me: You're way smarter than I am babe.
Wife: Ok, so if it's not broken and not fixed, what exactly is it?
Me: It's taking time Hun. Just taking some time.

Offline czharry

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2016, 03:22:41 PM »
You did the right thing. Even at 17, "kids" are pretty athletic & strong. I'm double your age and no longer up to fighting off a couple of 17 year olds. One of the times my home was burgled when I was at work, they had just broke into the house next door. Wish I had a neighbor that would have called the cops.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2016, 03:39:38 PM by czharry »
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Offline 1SOW

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Re: Have I become that crotchety old guy?
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2016, 03:53:29 PM »
You asked, so....
It's good you stay aware.  It's good you watch out for neighbors.  It's good you were ready to protect yourself..
It may not be good you confronted a potential threat "before" calling the police.  This upped the anti,  but luckily they didn't raise the bet.  Everything came out okay,  but "they" are still out there,  somewhere. Maybe they or their actions  were known by the local police
You've trained them to be better prepared  the "next" time.
Glad it ended the way it did.

I am a crotchety old man,  that doesn't want them to get away.