I've only been on here for a little, the wobbly hammer seems to be a touchy topic. Some say it is not normal. My P09 and every P09 or P07 I picked up or see online looks like it hangs over to the left.
You can kinda tell in the pic below. Even touchier, my hammer has a lot of wobble, which some here say isn't normal, and some had experiences where CZ CS say its totally normal.

IDK, but I have a lot of rounds through my gun and no issues so I don't sweat it.
My P09 is a 2016 I believe. I have about 7-8 range trips on it and somewhere between 1200-1300 rounds. This is what it looks like:

There is a little gap between the middle rails and frame. I'd guess thats about normal, didn't really pay attention to it when I got the gun.