What all the salesmen and videos concentrate on is the ease of swapping tool heads, but those are easy enough to change out on all modern presses. What really separates the presses is the ease of changing primer sizes and shell plates.
? The Loadmaster ($256) Here's a video of a complete change over on the Loadmaster.
http://www.loadmastervideos.com/ See "Full Caliber Change..."
Lee insists on using the Lee flat plastic primer dispensing system. This design must be shaken to get the primers to flow. These are all plastic parts and the primer tray arm probably breaks occasionally either due to the shaking, or due to being struck by errant tools or hands. It's also not clear to me how many primers remain in the system (stuck in the channel between the tray and primer anvil) when primers quit dispensing. This could be a real PIA if you swap between small pistol and small rifle primers.
You also get a plastic, fixed volume powder measure, which is more sensitive to static. Static levels in your home should be part of your overall consideration.
? The Hornady AP ($382) Here's a video of a complete caliber change over on the LNL AP.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGchPV3MGKkThe LNL uses the vertical metal primer tube and a "shuttle", similar to the 550B. The vertical tube uses gravity to feed the primers down to the shuttle. The shuttle carries them one at a time under the shellplate to the waiting case. Every primer in the tube will be consumed.
You also get a metal, infinitely variable powder measure that is more resistant to static.
? I also looked for the "new" RCBS progressives, but did not see them as deeply discounted so as to be considered in this race.
? As with all progressives, there's always more mandatory parts to buy to make caliber changes possible and voluntary parts to make caliber changes easier. These parts fit only one machine. Any future decision to upgrade machines involves selling all these "extra" parts. So it really behooves the buyer to think about where the future will take your personal reloading.
Hope this helps.