Author Topic: CZ 75 p-06 trigger issue  (Read 4380 times)

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Offline mike71192

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CZ 75 p-06 trigger issue
« on: January 26, 2017, 05:27:26 PM »
Hi guys, first post on here. glad I finally came on the forum as there is many knowledgeable people on here! so around 6 months ago I picked up a p-06 (.40cal obviously). I've taken it to the range a few times and I noticed every time I shot it, it would hurt my finger. However I never really thought too much of it until today, I shot 100 rounds through it and I would have been more than happy to be done after 10 rounds! It was absolutely KILLING my finger almost making the tip go numb. the pull of the trigger is completely smooth but after the shot it gives like a terrible vibration / slapping feeling making it extremely uncomfortable. I had also shot a p01 and numerous other firearms and had no problems with them. Has anyone else had similar issues? Does anyone what I can do to fix this problem? It's a great gun but with this issue its unbearable to shoot, and its effecting my accuracy as well. Any input would  be greatly appreciated. thank you

Offline Tok36

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Re: CZ 75 p-06 trigger issue
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2017, 05:34:46 PM »
Welcome to the forums!

 The CZ P-06 comes factory with a Black recurve trigger (Same as factory SP-01/Tac, P-01, RAMI/BD Trigger). The profile of trigger along with the force of the factory trigger return spring seam to be the most common cause of the finger discomfort. This dose come up pretty often around here.

I am aware of two options, change the trigger to one with a different profile and or install a reduced power trigger return spring. The reduced power trigger spring will also reduce the DA pull by aprox. 1/2lb. As far as trigger options go, personally i like the old style 85C trigger. Be aware that changing these two parts dose require full disassembly of the pistol. 

RP-TRS Reduced Power Trigger Return Spring

75585 ?Old Style? Trigger
« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 05:39:50 PM by Tok36 »
Will work for CZ pics! (including but not limited to all CZ clones)

Offline mike71192

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Re: CZ 75 p-06 trigger issue
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2017, 06:08:33 PM »
Welcome to the forums!

 The CZ P-06 comes factory with a Black recurve trigger (Same as factory SP-01/Tac, P-01, RAMI/BD Trigger). The profile of trigger along with the force of the factory trigger return spring seam to be the most common cause of the finger discomfort. This dose come up pretty often around here.

I am aware of two options, change the trigger to one with a different profile and or install a reduced power trigger return spring. The reduced power trigger spring will also reduce the DA pull by aprox. 1/2lb. As far as trigger options go, personally i like the old style 85C trigger. Be aware that changing these two parts dose require full disassembly of the pistol. 

RP-TRS Reduced Power Trigger Return Spring

75585 ?Old Style? Trigger
Thank you for the quick response, it looks like I will order those two pieces and hope it alleviates the problem. I have never COMPLETELY disassembled this gun, is it recommended I have a local gunsmith do it for me? Is it a difficult thing to do?

Offline Tok36

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Re: CZ 75 p-06 trigger issue
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2017, 06:49:02 PM »
As i see it your best bet is to review some of the available decocker guides. This should help you decide if it is something you wish to take on your self. You always have the forums to back you up if you get into trouble as well. Personally i really enjoy taking them apart but i have no doubt had my moments of pain during my time tinkering with CZs. The CZ decockers are generally regraded as a bit less fun than the safety models. This is mostly due to the design of the sear cage pin and sear cage reassembly as far as i have picked up

Guides: Some of these guides pertain to different CZ deocker models, but aside from a few minor differences they are generally the same inside. I believe that the CZ P-01 is the closest to the P-06 for reference.

Disassembly and polishing CZ SP01 Tactical or phantom / cz 75BD / P01 *PIC HEAVY*

CGW PRO upgrade project for P-01 (Pic heavy)

SP-01 Tactical CGW Modifications Tutorial (Videos);topicseen

Cajunizing and Smoothing a CZ Rami BD (Video)

The CGW slave pin and Starter punch are well worth the cost if you are going to dissemble a CZ decocker. The slave pin allows you to avoid dissembling the sear cage so it comes out in one peace. The starter punch is a must for starting the sear cage pin and trigger pin.

SP Starter Punch

S-pin Decocker Slave Pin
« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 06:57:00 PM by Tok36 »
Will work for CZ pics! (including but not limited to all CZ clones)

Offline Earl Keese

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Re: CZ 75 p-06 trigger issue
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2017, 06:55:10 PM »
You will also need the CGW floating trigger pin.

Offline handgun2

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Re: CZ 75 p-06 trigger issue
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2017, 07:30:37 PM »
I too own a PO6,  LOVE IT, however I don't have any trigger bite at all. none. ever. hmmm, I am certainly no expert. I hope Joe and others way in here soon, including Schmecky.    I wonder 'when' I read these posts', if something in your handgrip hold, or trigger use is the issue? instead of being a mechanical issue / i.e trigger style change.. please don't get me wrong.. it easily could be the shape of the trigger! however, I (over way too many generations now) have never ever had a trigger slap!?! from owning WAY more different guns than I would ever admit to my wife owning!   so, why the trigger slap.  Are there any 'youtube' videos that show in slow motion.. the way trigger slap happens? is it just mechanical/style? am I just a Neanderthal? YES!  score 1!  lol

please look into all options.. BEFORE spending money/time.  call Schmecky, call CZ USA/Ghost products.. talk to Joe and Din here on the forum.  I suspect there is something more than just 'trigger shape".

K in MI

Offline mike71192

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Re: CZ 75 p-06 trigger issue
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2017, 07:44:45 PM »
@Tok36 thank you for the great response. if the problem keeps occurring that might have to be the route i go.

I too own a PO6,  LOVE IT, however I don't have any trigger bite at all. none. ever. hmmm, I am certainly no expert. I hope Joe and others way in here soon, including Schmecky.    I wonder 'when' I read these posts', if something in your handgrip hold, or trigger use is the issue? instead of being a mechanical issue / i.e trigger style change.. please don't get me wrong.. it easily could be the shape of the trigger! however, I (over way too many generations now) have never ever had a trigger slap!?! from owning WAY more different guns than I would ever admit to my wife owning!   so, why the trigger slap.  Are there any 'youtube' videos that show in slow motion.. the way trigger slap happens? is it just mechanical/style? am I just a Neanderthal? YES!  score 1!  lol

please look into all options.. BEFORE spending money/time.  call Schmecky, call CZ USA/Ghost products.. talk to Joe and Din here on the forum.  I suspect there is something more than just 'trigger shape".

K in MI
I will no doubt look into every option before I start tearing it apart! I honestly don't want to and I hope you're right. I have never had a issue of a trigger hurting my finger. I think I will go back to the range tomorrow and try my dads 75B .40 and see how it fairs. if the problem is there, its obviously me because he has no issues with it.

Offline Struckat

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Re: CZ 75 p-06 trigger issue
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2017, 09:54:10 PM »
I have experienced this in the past. My son has a XDS 45 that spanks my trigger finger. I can only shoot a dozen round out if it before I am done. I don't know what causes it.

My P-06 is fine, no slap at all. Put some more rounds through it.

Offline Sooltauq

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Re: CZ 75 p-06 trigger issue
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2017, 10:07:18 PM »
My P-06 doesn't do this at all. FWIW, most CZ triggers are gritty at first and then smooth out over about 500 rounds or so, so continued shooting might fix the problem. If not, go with one of TOK's solutions.
CZ 75 SP-01, 97, P-01, PCR, P-06, P10C

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: CZ 75 p-06 trigger issue
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2017, 07:29:23 AM »
I'm no expert but I've had trigger bite issues.  I think it's a combination of recoil and how your finger "fits" that trigger.

My Duty P07 is a .40 S&W with the old curved trigger.  Much more recoil than my P09 9MM with the (sort of) 3 angles trigger.  My P07 never bothers me.  My P09 never bothers me.

I buy a P09 in .40 S&W with the (sort of) 3 angles trigger.  With the very same ammo I shoot in the shorter/lighter P07 that P09 was biting the heck out of my trigger finger.  It was just not comfortable to shoot (as you know with yours) and it stayed home quite often when I went to the range.

I bought/installed an older DUTY style curved trigger and the gun is great to shoot.  No more trigger finger pinch with the same ammo.

Just changed the shape/curve of the trigger (oh, did have to remove a small amount of plastic on the inside of the trigger guard because the curved trigger was dragging as it neared it's fully rearward position during the trigger pull) and cured it, for me.  My wife even likes to shoot it and it kicks quite a bit more than the 9MM CZs we have.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline mike71192

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Re: CZ 75 p-06 trigger issue
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2017, 08:00:25 AM »
My P-06 doesn't do this at all. FWIW, most CZ triggers are gritty at first and then smooth out over about 500 rounds or so, so continued shooting might fix the problem. If not, go with one of TOK's solutions.
I have experienced this in the past. My son has a XDS 45 that spanks my trigger finger. I can only shoot a dozen round out if it before I am done. I don't know what causes it.

My P-06 is fine, no slap at all. Put some more rounds through it.
Thank you both. As of right now I probably have around 500 rounds through the gun and it still bites unfortunately.

I'm no expert but I've had trigger bite issues.  I think it's a combination of recoil and how your finger "fits" that trigger.

My Duty P07 is a .40 S&W with the old curved trigger.  Much more recoil than my P09 9MM with the (sort of) 3 angles trigger.  My P07 never bothers me.  My P09 never bothers me.

I buy a P09 in .40 S&W with the (sort of) 3 angles trigger.  With the very same ammo I shoot in the shorter/lighter P07 that P09 was biting the heck out of my trigger finger.  It was just not comfortable to shoot (as you know with yours) and it stayed home quite often when I went to the range.

I bought/installed an older DUTY style curved trigger and the gun is great to shoot.  No more trigger finger pinch with the same ammo.

Just changed the shape/curve of the trigger (oh, did have to remove a small amount of plastic on the inside of the trigger guard because the curved trigger was dragging as it neared it's fully rearward position during the trigger pull) and cured it, for me.  My wife even likes to shoot it and it kicks quite a bit more than the 9MM CZs we have.
Thank you m1a. Maybe I will get a new trigger and see where that brings me.

Offline mike71192

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Re: CZ 75 p-06 trigger issue
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2017, 01:56:26 PM »
Took it down the range and shot it again, still the same issue.. I ordered the pieces tok explained earlier. I will post back with my results!

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Re: CZ 75 p-06 trigger issue
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2017, 07:51:48 PM »
keep us updated! we 'all' like to learn from others here on this site! its a great gun forum. bar none.  can't wait to hear more!

k in mi

Offline Sooltauq

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Re: CZ 75 p-06 trigger issue
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2017, 12:53:08 AM »
Let us know how it works out -- I'm interested in the cause and the fix for future reference.

If it will make you feel any better, I'll sell you my crapass Kimber Solo cheap -- merely owning it will make every other pistol you own feel like a million bucks.
CZ 75 SP-01, 97, P-01, PCR, P-06, P10C

Offline mike71192

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Re: CZ 75 p-06 trigger issue
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2017, 08:47:07 AM »
keep us updated! we 'all' like to learn from others here on this site! its a great gun forum. bar none.  can't wait to hear more!

k in mi

Let us know how it works out -- I'm interested in the cause and the fix for future reference.

If it will make you feel any better, I'll sell you my crapass Kimber Solo cheap -- merely owning it will make every other pistol you own feel like a million bucks.

I will definitely let you guys know. Hopefully in a week or so I get the parts and I'm able to do it... I might take you up on that offer if the problem still occurs😂😂😂