This Is A Really Easy Call...
CZ CustomPros:
Talked to Robert & he answered every question I had to include all kinds of rookie CZ stuff (which I was) Very Patient Man !!!
I told him to match the grips, (Roberts Choice) with the 75B - Nailed it
Delivered a Product 2 weeks ahead of schedule
Delivered right in my hand the best shooting handgun I had ever shot
He didn't immediately stop what he was doing and drive it over to my house
Cajun GWPros:
Talked to David & everything needed was answered without trying to get me off the phone (we even talked some football)
I told him to match the grips, (David's Choice) with the P01 - Nailed it
Delivered the goods on time, even a couple days early
Delivered right in my hand the best shooting handgun I had ever shot (again)
He didn't immediately stop what he was doing and drive it over to my house
CGW vs Cz CS
So You See My Friend, The Answer Is Simple
ONE OF EACH!!! And that's just for starters...